Launch Version

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The release version of Brutal Orchestra was released on December 17rd 2021. This page lists what was available in the base game for comparisons and is structured similarly to the update changelogs.


New Party Members - (20)

Added Nowak
Added Boyle to the Tutorial
Added Hans to the Tutorial
Added Anton to The Far Shore
Added Splig to The Far Shore
Added Pearl to The Far Shore
Added Thype to The Far Shore
Added Griffin to The Far Shore
Added Arnold to The Far Shore
Added Dimitri to The Far Shore
Added Longliver to The Orpheum
Added Clive to The Orpheum
Added Kleiver to The Orpheum
Added Cranes to The Orpheum
Added Agon to The Orpheum
Added Rags to The Orpheum
Added SmokeStacks to The Orpheum
Added Leviat to The Garden
Added Bimini to The Garden
Added Gospel to The Garden

New Enemies - (36)

Added Mung to The Far Shore
Added Mud Lung to The Far Shore
Added Mungie to The Far Shore
Added Fla Ming Goa to The Far Shore
Added Goa to The Far Shore
Added Flarb to The Far Shore
Added Flarblet to The Far Shore
Added Moby Dong to The Far Shore
Added Waning Jumbleguts to The Far Shore and The Orpheum
Added Clotted Jumbleguts to The Far Shore and The Orpheum
Added Spitfire Spoggle to The Far Shore and The Orpheum
Added Ruminating Spoggle to The Far Shore and The Orpheum
Added Mungling Mud Lung to The Far Shore
Added Wringle to The Far Shore
Added Voboola to The Far Shore
Added Music Man to The Orpheum
Added Singing Stone to The Orpheum
Added Woodwind to The Orpheum
Added Chordophone to The Orpheum
Added Psaltery to The Orpheum
Added Revola to The Orpheum
Added Hollowing Jumbleguts to The Orpheum
Added Flummoxing Jumbleguts to The Orpheum
Added Writhing Spoggle to The Orpheum
Added Resonant Spoggle to The Orpheum
Added Maniskin to The Orpheum
Added Inner Child to The Orpheum
Added Wriggling Sacrifice to The Orpheum
Added Ungod to The Orpheum
Added Next of Kin to The Garden
Added In Her Image to The Garden
Added In His Image to The Garden
Added Zeitgeist to The Garden
Added Skinning Homunculus to The Garden
Added Shivering Homunculus to The Garden
Added Sepulchre to The Garden

New Bosses - (9)

Added Roids to The Far Shore
Added Hickory to The Far Shore
Added Mobius to The Far Shore
Added Trigger Fingers to The Far Shore
Added The Ouroboros to The Orpheum
Added The SmoothSkin to The Orpheum
Added The Charcarrion to The Orpheum
Added This Pitiful Corpse to The Quarry
Added Osman Sinnoks to The Garden
Added Heaven to The Garden

New Strangers - (4)

Added Ichor
Added Fogs
Added Bronzo
Added Mordrake

New Status Effects - (11)

Added Status Effect Focused
Added Status Effect Ruptured
Added Status Effect Frail
Added Status Effect Oil-Slicked
Added Status Effect Spotlight
Added Status Effect Cursed
Added Status Effect Linked
Added Status Effect Divine Protection
Added Field Effect Constricted
Added Field Effect On Fire
Added Field Effect Shield

New Passive Effects - (36)

Added Passive Effect Focus
Added Passive Effect Skittish
Added Passive Effect Slippery
Added Passive Effect Decay
Added Passive Effect Parental
Added Passive Effect Infantile
Added Passive Effect Unstable
Added Passive Effect Constricting
Added Passive Effect Formless
Added Passive Effect Pure
Added Passive Effect Absorb
Added Passive Effect Forgetful
Added Passive Effect Withering
Added Passive Effect Overexert
Added Passive Effect Multi Attack
Added Passive Effect Obscured
Added Passive Effect Confusion
Added Passive Effect Fleeting
Added Passive Effect Dying
Added Passive Effect Inanimate
Added Passive Effect Inferno
Added Passive Effect Enfeebled
Added Passive Effect Immortal
Added Passive Effect Reborn
Added Passive Effect Forbidden Fruit
Added Passive Effect Two-Faced
Added Passive Effect Catalyst
Added Passive Effect Bonus Attack
Added Passive Effect Anchored
Added Passive Effect Delicate
Added Passive Effect Leaky
Added Passive Effect Fatalism
Added Passive Effect Martyrdom
Added Passive Effect Omnipotence
Added Passive Effect Panic Attack
Added Passive Effect Transfusion

New Treasure Items - (65)

Added Blackened Toad
Added Blue Bible
Added Broken Hammer
Added Colon Coins
Added Curved Dagger
Added Crooked Die
Added Defaced Scripture
Added Funnel Helmet
Added Funny Mushrooms
Added Gambler's Right Hand
Added Grumpy Gump
Added Iron Helmet
Added Little Knife
Added Lump of Lamb
Added Momma Nooty
Added RAM!
Added Runty Rotter
Added Serpent's Head
Added Skates!
Added Stigmata
Added Tainted Apple
Added Violated Pact
Added All that is Mortal
Added Ascetic Egg
Added Blind Faith
Added Bloating Coffers
Added Brigade of Dis
Added Cremation
Added Divine Mud
Added Effigy of the Mettle Mother
Added Fishing Rod
Added Fist Full of Ash
Added Gilded Mirror
Added Gospel's Severed Head
Added Head of Scribe
Added Hereafter
Added Holy Chalice
Added Howling Log
Added Ichthys
Added Idea of Evil
Added Immolated Fairy
Added Indulgence
Added Lil Homunculus
Added Lycanthrope's Core
Added Opulent Egg
Added Peg Leg
Added Pontiff's Parade
Added Rib of Eve
Added Seeds of the Consumed
Added Shard of Nowak
Added Skinned Skate
Added Someone's Wedding Ring
Added Spiked Collar
Added Stillborn Egg
Added Strange Fruit
Added The Apple
Added The Brand
Added The First Born
Added The Human Soul
Added The Ideal Form of Trash
Added The Jersey
Added Tondal's Vision
Added Trepanation
Added Unfortunate Prophecy
Added Wheel of Fortune

New Shop Items - (50)

Added Ampoule
Added Atabrine
Added Barely Used Gauze
Added Blood Bottle
Added Certificate of Exemption
Added First Aid
Added Fly Paper
Added Glue Trap
Added Lady Pills
Added Lucky Helmet
Added Pep Powder
Added Plaster Cast
Added Prosthetics
Added Recalled Gas Mask
Added Safe and Sound
Added Soggy Bandages
Added Splatter Mask
Added Spring Trap
Added Stolen Gold
Added Sulfa Powder
Added Surrender
Added Sweet Heart
Added Take a Penny, Leave a Penny
Added Trench Foot
Added Used Band Aids
Added Used Needle
Added Another Dud
Added Consolation Prize
Added Czech Hedgehog
Added DDT
Added Defective Rounds
Added Deworming Pills
Added Dried Paint
Added Ed's Tags
Added Extra Stitching
Added Iron Necklace
Added Lady Gloves
Added Medical Leeches
Added Modern Medicine
Added Mystery Ration
Added Ol Reliable
Added Ol' Stumpy
Added Pain Killers
Added Prussian Blue
Added Purple Heart
Added Roentgen Rays
Added Rorschach Test
Added Russki Vampire
Added Sculptor's Tools
Added You Can Do It!

New Extra Items - (6)

Added Guppy
Added Salmon
Added Great White
Added Right Shoe
Added The Infinite Jersey
Added The Asymptote

New Music - (36)

Added Dreams of Purgatory
Added Bosch's Butt Song
Added No Applause
Added Audience of One
Added Zanguango
Added The Far Shore
Added The Orpheum
Added The Garden
Added Give a Man a Fish
Added Teach a Fish to Man
Added Estúpido Pez Sexy
Added Primary Colours
Added Wriggle and Writhe
Added Amphibious Army
Added Swallowing the Sea
Added Feel the Rhythm
Added Stand Up for Yourself
Added Vertigo
Added Divine Judgement
Added As Above, So Below
Added Sensory Stimulation
Added God of Gametes
Added Pain Pain Suffering Pain
Added With Apologies to Giovanni Battista Pamphili
Added Muscle Memory
Added Burning Passion
Added To See Her Again
Added The Other Escape
Added Flesh, Blood and Bone
Added Soul, Mind and Purpose
Added Hunger and Mercy
Added Lullaby, Partially Recalled
Added All That is Mortal
Added Hell
Added Breathe Deep
Added Osman, Then Nowak

New Achievements - (98)

Added Brutal Orchestra
Added The End?
Added I'll Make You Regret This
Added All that is Mortal.
Added The Veteran
Added The Severed
Added The Gambler
Added The Conjoined
Added The Glutton
Added The Trickster
Added The Naked
Added The Failure
Added The Incinerated
Added The Parasite
Added The Stoic
Added The Zealot
Added The Corpse
Added The Terminal
Added The Psychic
Added The Black Lung
Added The Mass
Added The Immortal
Added The Magnum Opus
Added Kingslayer
Added The Juggernaut
Added The Coward
Added The Fire and the Flames
Added The Widower
Added The Leviathan
Added The Messiah
Added The Orphan
Added The Witness
Added The Divine
Added The Shyster
Added Another Dud
Added Rorschach Test
Added Health Insurance
Added You Can Do It!
Added Extra Stitching
Added Lycanthrope's Core
Added Fishing Rod
Added Gilded Mirror
Added Someone Else's Wedding Ring
Added Czech Hedgehog
Added Deworming Pills
Added Holy Chalice
Added The Jersey
Added Mystery Ration
Added Iron Necklace
Added Trepanation
Added Prussian Blue
Added Blind Faith
Added Divine Mud
Added Sculptor's Tools
Added Purple Heart
Added Roentgen Rays
Added Russki Vampire
Added Pain Killers
Added Head of Scrybe
Added Effigy of the Mettle Mother
Added Spiked Collar
Added Fist Full of Ash
Added Cremation
Added Medical Leeches
Added Seeds of the Consumed
Added Pontiff's Parade
Added Ol' Stumpy
Added The Apple
Added Wheel of Fortune
Added DDT
Added Modern Medicine
Added Opulent Egg
Added Gospel's Severed Head
Added Ichor's Last Wish
Added Bronzo's 2 Cents
Added Fog's Prescience
Added Mordrake's Untold Tale
Added Beyond the Dunes
Added Above the Mountains
Added Within Yourself
Added Duke of the Dunes
Added Master of the Mountains
Added Garden of Earthly Delights
Added The Work of an Artist
Added Throw Hands
Added God of Phalanges, Palms and Pain
Added Decisive and Concise
Added God is Dead and We Have Killed Him
Added Crisis of Faith
Added Emotional and Physical Annihilation
Added Plot Armour
Added Brutality!
Added It Happens to the Best of Us
Added Tactical Miscalculation
Added Drowning in Pigment
Added What are you Doing?
Added Boom, Headshot
Added Smooch!