Skinning Homunculus

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A group of enemies from The Garden that are capable of dealing high damage to your entire party.

The Skinning Homunculus is a wrecking ball enemy that deals very high damage at the cost of its own health and the health of all other enemies in its path.


Name Description Notes Chance
Flay the Skin Deals a Painful amount of damage to All party members and enemies to the Left of this enemy as well as this enemy. Moves this enemy to the Right. All damage to enemies is indirect.

If no damage is dealt to any party member, summon a Scattering Homunculus.

Deals 5 damage to party members and enemies. 43.5%


Flay the Flesh Deals a Painful amount of damage to All party members and enemies to the Right of this enemy as well as this enemy. Moves this enemy to the Left. All damage to enemies is indirect.

If no damage is dealt to any party member, summon a Scattering Homunculus.

Deals 5 damage to party members and enemies. 43.5%


Domination Deals a Mortal amount of damage to the Opposing party member and this enemy. Damage dealt to self is indirect. If no damage is dealt to any party member, summon a Scattering Homunculus. Deals 25 damage to a party member and 20 damage to self. 13%


Inhuman Roar Applies 1 Frail upscaled.pngFrail to All party members and enemies. (Parental) N/A



  • If Inhuman Roar is activated, it also can be affected by formless, making the outcome of formless way harder to predict
  • Homunculi are like wrecking balls, they swing hard but will take each other down in the process. Use formless to your advantage.


  • The Skinning Homunculus is almost directly adapted from Hieronymus Bosch's third panel of the triptych "The Garden of Earthly Delights"
  • The Shivering Homunculi are based on a Cochlea a spiral-shaped cavity found in the inner ear
  • The Homunculi are actually a colony of tiny worms that you see crawl out when you defeat them
  • The Homunculi sound like children, due to the fact that they are curious about the world just like a child, however their only way of interacting with the world is a giant knife, which means they inadvertently hurt those around them.[1]
  • In-universe it's just a coincidence that Skinning Homunculus take the form of giant ears, the "ears" are actually hard, and serve as a defensive shield for the colony of worms.[1]

