The Far Shore

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The Far Shore is the first area of the game, and also serve as the setting of the tutorial.


Name Mode Notes
Mung (Icon Upscaled).png
Mung Normal
Mud Lung (Icon Upscaled).png
Mud Lung Normal
Mungie (Icon Upscaled).png
Mungie Normal Doesn't appear naturally, spawned by Mungling Mud Lungs and Mobius, the later being an altered version (see Unclassified).
Fla Ming Goa (Icon Upscaled).png
Fla Ming Goa Normal
Goa (Icon Upscaled).png
Goa Normal Doesn't appear naturally, spawned by Fla Ming Goas.
Keko (Icon Upscaled).png
Keko Normal Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Flarb Normal
Flarblet (Icon Upscaled).png
Flarblet Normal
Waning Jumbleguts (Icon Upscaled).png
Waning Jumbleguts Normal
Clotted Jumbleguts (Icon Upscaled).png
Clotted Jumbleguts Normal
Hollowing Jumbleguts (Icon Upscaled).png
Hollowing Jumbleguts Normal Extremely rare in the Far Shore.
Flummoxing Jumbleguts (Icon Upscaled).png
Flummoxing Jumbleguts Normal Extremely Rare in the Far Shore.
Spitfire Spoggle (Icon Upscaled).png
Spitfire Spoggle Normal
Ruminating Spoggle (Icon Upscaled).png
Ruminating Spoggle Normal
Writhing Spoggle (Icon Upscaled).png
Writhing Spoggle Normal Extremely rare in the Far Shore.
Resonant Spoggle (Icon Upscaled).png
Resonant Spoggle Normal Extremely rare in the Far Shore.
Mungling Mud Lung (Icon Upscaled).png
Mungling Mud Lung Hard
Wringle (Icon Upscaled).png
Wringle Hard
Voboola (Icon Upscaled).png
Voboola Hard
Kekastle (Icon Upscaled).png
Kekastle Hard Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
TaMaGoa (Icon Upscaled).png
TaMaGoa, Egg of Incubus Hard Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Unfinished Heir (Icon Upscaled).png
The Unfinished Heir Hard Doesn't appear Naturally, spawned by the TaMaGoa. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Tainted Yolk Hard Doesn't appear Naturally, spawned by the Unfinished Heir. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update


Name Title Mode
Achievement Unlocked 27.webp Roids The Juggernaut Normal
Achievement Unlocked 29.webp Hickory The Fire and the Flames Normal
Achievement Unlocked 30.webp Mobius The Widower Normal
Achievement Unlocked 28.webp Trigger Fingers The Coward Hard

Party Members

Name Title Mode Area Unlock Requirement(s)
Boyle Square Portrait.png Boyle The Veteran Tutorial 1 Speak to Boyle in the Tutorial.
Hans Square Portrait.png Hans The Severed Tutorial 1 Speak to Hans in the Tutorial.
Burnout Square Portrait.png Burnout The Sadist Normal 1 Choose the correct dialogue option when speaking to him:

*Sucker punch him*

Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Fennec Square Portrait.png Fennec The Impaled Normal 1 Choose the correct dialogue options when speaking to him:

1. This is the last one, I promise. 2.  We should get him on our side now.

Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Anton Square Portrait.png Anton The Gambler Normal 1 Pay Anton 10 coins. This is cumulative between runs.
Splig Square Portrait.png Splig The Conjoined Normal 1 Abandon or get a party member killed before speaking to Splig in The Far Shore.
Pearl Square Portrait.png Pearl The Glutton Normal 1 Complete 40 combat encounters after speaking to Markus and then speak to Pearl. This is cumulative between runs.
Thype Square Portrait.png Thype The Trickster Hard 1 Murder Roids, both Hickorys, Mobius and Trigger Fingers and then speak to Thype. This is cumulative between runs.
Griffin Square Portrait.png Griffin The Naked Hard 1 Complete 3 combat encounters without anyone taking any damage and then speak to Griffin.
Arnold Square Portrait.png Arnold The Failure Hard 1 Speak to Arnold while in hardmode. Choose to not make fun of Arnold.
Dimitri Square Portrait.png Dimitri The Incinerated Hard 1 Speak to an interactable campfire.
Achievement Unlocked 2-8.jpg Mung The Emotional Disaster Hard 1 Talk to the sleeping man after completing Ichor's Quest. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update

Major Npcs

Name Description
Zanguango.png Zanguango A mysterious Skeleton Nowak meets in the Interlude.

Flavor NPCs

These characters are mere encounters, who are only there to exchange a few lines of dialogue, before returning to the oblivion of Purgatory.

Name Dialogue
Bug eye.png Name Caller

First Interaction:

Name Caller
Are you talking to me?
Name Caller
The fact you assumed I was talking to you speaks volumes about your self esteem.
You gotta have confidence, man.
But yeah I was talking to you.

Second Interaction:

Name Caller
Ugly ugly ugly ugly...
CrossInHeadBig.png Anxiety Man

First Interaction:

Anxiety Man
I really hope there's a god.
Otherwise this is all really a lot to take in.

Second Interaction:

Anxiety Man
I have the weirdest anxiety right now.
Vix.png Regretful Lady

First Interaction:

Regretful Lady
I guess I did wanna live after all...

Second Interaction:

*You choose not to interrupt their thousand-yard stare.*
Didntmakeitguy.png Panic Man

First Interaction:

Panic Man
You need to help me, this is all a mistake.
They said I was gonna make it.
I took all the meds they told me to.
I, I did what I was supposed to.
*Sobbing* I did what I was supposed to.

Second Interaction:

Panic Man
*He is inconsolable.*
HornyJesus.png Horny Jesus (Keith)

First Interaction:

Horny Jesus
How do you think the fish figure out how to do that?
Do what?
Horny Jesus
Pilot human corpses around like some kind of horrifying meat puppet.
What else did you think I meant?
Do you think one fish figured it out and the rest copied them or...
They just kinda knew?

Second Interaction:

Horny Jesus
Maybe it was like how we started drinking milk.
Some pervert diddled a cow and then reluctantly shared his findings with the world.
And now we all drink milk.
At all times maybe we are just one pervert away from greatness.
Maybe the world just needs the right pervert in the right place.
And oh boy am I in the right place.
What the hell are you talking about?
Horny Jesus
Listen, I don't expect a simpleton like yourself to understand but...
I'm gonna need you to leave, I'm about to change the world.

Third Interaction:

Horny Jesus
I'm like a horny Jesus.
Nothing will ever be the same.
Itchy.png Itchy Guy

First Interaction:

Itchy Guy
I died itchy and now I can't scratch.
I never thought this is what hell would be like.

Second Interaction:

Itchy Guy
My only regret is hesitation.
Admo.png Admo

First Interaction:

My name's Admo.
Oh, okay.
Well, see ya Admo.

Second Interaction:

I once had kidney stones so big you could play marbles with them.
Pretty cool, huh?

Third Interaction:

DeadGuy.png Playing Dead Guy

First Interaction:

Playing Dead Guy
Umm do you mind, I'm trying to be dead over here.

Second Interaction:

Playing Dead Guy
...Go away...
BadLastWords.png Stabbed Guy

First Interaction:

Stabbed Guy
"What are you gonna do, stab me?"
God, even my last words were rubbish.
What a waste I turned out to be.

Second Interaction:

Stabbed Guy
Go away, I'm not in the mood.
Zebbie.png Zebbie Sayer

First Interaction:

Zebbie Sayer
Baloo bibidy badias.
Zebbie Sayer
Vedi vedi faseem.
Are you speaking English?
Zebbie Sayer
Sacoco, mejidar ab abargo.
*He clears his throat.*

Second Interaction:

Aloo evirdas meso ab lebias.
Heh. Vagogna.

Third Interaction:

Bephelement innarrer elemas.

Fourth Interaction:

ScaredofFish.png Fish Hater

First Interaction:

Fish Hater
This is miserable.
I spend my whole life evading the waters.
Barely even bathe if I can avoid it.
All to stay as far away from those "things" as possible.
Then I wind up here and find a world full of...
Full of...
*He is sobbing incoherently.*

Second Interaction:

Fish Hater
How cruel that I even cry water...
This is the life.png Jubilant Guy

First Interaction:

Jubilant Guy
Life was so beautiful.
Who could have thought...
...that death could be just as gorgeous.

Second Interaction:

Jubilant Guy
This is the life... heh heh.
Meat house.png Unlikable Sicko

First Interaction:

Unlikable Sicko
Heh heh heh.
I found a river.
Men dragged a woman inside of it.
They split her belly open because they wanted to watch her birth fish.
*He wheezes hard in amusement.*
Heh, oh how I wish I was the river.

Second Interaction:

Unlikable Sicko
This is my longest dream.
We'll wake up any time.
Heh heh heh.

Third Interaction:

Unlikable Sicko
*He is poorly humming a lullaby.*
Mog Dialogue.png Unlucky Churchgoer

First Interaction:

Unlucky Churchgoer
I think I picked the wrong god...

Second Interaction:

Unlucky Churchgoer
I was so sure...
FunkyCactus.png Funky Cactus

First Interaction:

Look at this thing.
The Cactus?
*Bosch is mesmerized by the Cactus.*
It's just a Cactus.
Yeah but it's like...
Funky Cactus

Second Interaction:

Funky Cactus

Third Interaction:

Funky Cactus
*The raw untamed funk emanating from this vegetation is undeniable and unstoppable.*
Sad sans.png Lost Dog Guy

First Interaction:

Lost Dog Guy
This place is miserable. I miss my dog.
I'd trade any of you saps for another moment with him.

Second Interaction:

Lost Dog Guy
He was such a good boy.

Third Interaction:

Do you want me to find your dog?
Lost Dog Guy
My dog is still alive and well!
And I don't want you laying one doggy diddling finger on him!
He will arrive once he has finished his long and luxurious life.
Okay Jeez.

Fourth Interaction:

Lost Dog Guy
"Arf Arf"


  • The first area encountered during the game. The Far Shore as the name implies is a large shore around an ocean called the "Maelstrom", you can see this Ocean in the background during the Mobius boss fight. The Far shore seems to be the place where most of the humans decided to hang around, seen by the large number of NPC's you encounter there, most likely due to the fact that compared to the Orpheum it is relatively peaceful. The "sand" in the far shore is mostly people, just kinda reduced to sand by erosion, and the various "rocks" you see are sort of like a living stone. It shapes itself roughly into what nearby things are thinking about, which results in mostly skulls/bones. This is why far away rocks in combat are more abstract as they are in a more relaxed state because there isn't much nearby. The cactuses are a sort of feedback loop that stuck, someone was thinking about cactuses a long time ago which caused the rocks to become cactuses which caused people to see that and keep thinking about cactuses and now the process won't stop.
  • The water of The Maelstrom is said to be “goopy.” [1]The exact consistency of the water is variable, at the surface level it is similar to that of watered-down maple syrup but it gets thicker the deeper you go.[2]
