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"I- We will find peace. No matter the cost. I promise us this." -Nowak

Nowak is the protagonist and the starting playable character. He is focused on being able to initiate fights and dealing consistent damage.

Unlock requirements

Unlocked from the beginning.


Name Pigment Description
ParryNowak.png Attempted Parry Yellow Deal 5 damage to Opposing enemy. Move the Opposing enemy to the Left or Right.
Takedownnowak.png Rough Takedown YellowYellow Deal 6 damage to Opposing enemy.
WrathNowak.png Unfocused Wrath PurplePurplePurple Gain Focused Upscaled.pngFocus.
Name Pigment Description
ParryNowak.png Confident Parry Yellow Deal 7 damage to Opposing enemy. Move the Opposing enemy to the Left or Right.
Takedownnowak.png Brutal Takedown YellowYellow Deal 8 damage to Opposing enemy.
WrathNowak.png Writhing Wrath PurplePurplePurple Gain Focused Upscaled.pngFocus. 3% chance to refresh this party member.
Name Pigment Description
ParryNowak.png Swift Parry Yellow Deal 9 damage to Opposing enemy. Move the Opposing enemy to the Left or Right.
Takedownnowak.png Clean Takedown YellowYellow Deal 10 damage to Opposing enemy.
WrathNowak.png Seething Wrath PurplePurplePurple Gain Focused Upscaled.pngFocus. 5% chance to refresh this party member.
Name Pigment Description
ParryNowak.png Preemptive Parry Yellow Deal 11 damage to Opposing enemy. Move the Opposing enemy to the Left or Right.
Takedownnowak.png Devastating Takedown YellowYellow Deal 12 damage to Opposing enemy.
WrathNowak.png Endless Wrath PurplePurplePurple Gain Focused Upscaled.pngFocus. 7% chance to refresh this party member.



  • Nowak is a near-always effective part of a team. Nowak can efficiently use the free yellow pigment generated every turn, allowing him to start harvesting the other colors of pigment you need. Nowak's damage might seem subpar compared to a dedicated damage dealer, but being able to grant himself Focus allows him to dish out a respectable amount.
  • His Wrath ability is extremely effective at burning purple pigment. This can very helpful in fights against enemies with purple health, or simply to burn three pigment if you're facing overflow.
  • Due to the fact that he's always brought back to life after a combat is over, he can make a great meat shield. When a party member's death is inevitable, sacrificing Nowak can often be the best choice.


  • The reason for Nowak's golden coloration is multi-fold. The first reason is that it helps him stand out, as one of the few yellow-colored party members. The second reason is that he uses primarily yellow pigment, which was a design philosophy considered for many of the characters' colors.
  • Nowak had a shaved head in life.[1]
  • Nowak's first name is Zdzisław, as confirmed by a Steam background, implying that Nowak is Polish.
  • Nowak is 5'7", or 170 centimeters tall.

