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An extremely dangerous enemy that can overwhelm the player with high damage attacks, mass applying Linked upscaled.pngLinked, and summoning up to four Next of Kin.


Name Description Notes Chance
Baby Shower Births as many Next of Kin as possible. 33.33...%


Gnaw Deals a painful amount of damage to the Left and Right party members.

This enemy consumes 2 pigment not of this enemy's health colour.

Deals 4 damage. 33.33...%


Blood Moans Inflicts 3 Linked upscaled.pngLinked to All party members. 30% chance to inflict Cursed upscaled.pngCurse to each party member 33.33...%




  • The Images are supposed to be the people in the third panel of the garden of earthly delights after an extremely long amount of time, they have abandoned all nobility or honor of religion and instead are just totally engaged in pleasures of the flesh[1]
  • The Images changing their sex is reference to the the creation of Eve out of Adam's rib (or a piece of his flesh in other translations). As Talia said: "It just seems so weird to me that a god would do something unnecessary like that to create a female human especially after having already made males and females of all the other species presumably without doing all this yanking flesh stuff. This combined with that fact that most editions of the bible can’t seem to agree when Eve is made makes the whole thing very strange. So the images whole sex changing thing is me processing how weird that element of genesis is."[2]
