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Heaven Signature.PNG

Heaven is a colossal wolf skull suspended by tendrils of oil from human hands of marble and is one of the two final bosses in The Garden. It requires that the player is able to manage their pigment well. At the end of every turn, it will switch from between its full form and the Incarnates, which will be your main source of pigment throughout the fight.


Name Description Notes Chance
The Scars Weep Inflicts 10 Ruptured upscaled.pngRupture to the Opposing Central party member. 50% chance of inflicting 1
Scars upscaled.pngScar to the Opposing Central party member. Deals an Agonizing amount of damage to All party members if the attack fails. "This pain shall be your familiar."
Deals 7 damage if the attack misses. 29.4%


Reclaim Conviction Inflicts 10 Frail upscaled.pngFrail to the Opposing Central party member. 50% chance of inflicting 1
Scars upscaled.pngScar to the Opposing Central party member. Deals an Agonizing amount of damage to All party members if the attack fails. "Recall your purpose."
Deals 7 damage if the attack misses. 29.4%


Penance Heaven cries 4 Pigment of each colour. "Your thousand tears." 20.6%


Come Home Instantly kills the Opposing Central party member. Deals an Agonizing amount of damage to All party members if the attack misses. "Heaven awaits." Deals 7 damage if the attack misses. 20.6%


Omnipresent "See the spaces and the things between. Scar the Children." Heaven leaves, applies 1 Scars upscaled.pngScar to all party members and spawns 1 red Incarnate on the left. and 1 random on the right. N/A


Name Description
Achievement Unlocked6.png All that is Mortal. Defeat either "The Witness" or "The Divine".
Achievement Unlocked 35.png The Divine Transcend Heaven
Achievement Unlocked 55.png Purple Heart Transcend Heaven with Boyle.
Achievement Unlocked 56.png Roentgen Rays Transcend Heaven with Hans.
Achievement Unlocked 57.png Russki Vampire Transcend Heaven with Anton.
Achievement Unlocked 58.png Pain Killers Transcend Heaven with Splig.
Achievement Unlocked 59.png Head of Scrybe Transcend Heaven with Pearl.
Achievement Unlocked 60.png Effigy of the Mettle Mother Transcend Heaven with Thype.
Achievement Unlocked 86.png Spiked Collar Transcend Heaven with Griffin.
Achievement Unlocked 62.png Fist Full of Ash Transcend Heaven with Arnold.
Achievement Unlocked 63.png Cremation Transcend Heaven with Dimitri.
Agiftach.png A Gift? Transcend Heaven with Burnout.
Squidcheive.png Gamified Cephalopod Transcend Heaven with Fennec.
Achievement Unlocked 64.png Medical Leeches Transcend Heaven with LongLiver.
Achievement Unlocked 65.png Seeds of the Consumed Transcend Heaven with Clive.
Achievement Unlocked 66.png Pontiff's Parade Transcend Heaven with Kleiver.
Achievement Unlocked 67.png Ol' Stumpy Transcend Heaven with Cranes.
Achievement Unlocked 68.png The Apple Transcend Heaven with Agon.
Achievement Unlocked 69.png Wheel of Fortune Transcend Heaven with Rags.
Achievement Unlocked 70.png DDT Transcend Heaven with SmokeStacks.
Achievement Unlocked 71.png Modern Medicine Transcend Heaven with Leviat.
Achievement Unlocked 72.png Opulent Egg Transcend Heaven with Bimini.
Achievement Unlocked 73.png Gospel's Severed Head Transcend Heaven with Gospel.
NorrisAch.png Norris! Transcend Heaven with Mordrake.
SeconComingAch.png The Second Coming Have a party member die to damage dealt by the Divine twice during an encounter with the Divine.


  • Heaven is a manifestation of The Garden, whose nature is actually explained pretty closely albeit cryptically by the Gospel unlock dialogue (in fact Gospel might just be the very same part of the garden as Heaven is, considering its made of marble and invokes the same themes) To Nowak, Heaven is largely tied to his artistic problems, and more generally tied to the human condition, wishing that he could just be satisfied with his art and not plunge into artistic frustration and self-doubt, metaphorized with him saying he wishes he could just paint an endless grid of tiles and be happy. This however is (as would be obvious to literally any artist) is really not how that goes down and never has, and as said by the steam background description of Heaven "perhaps only with different anatomy could we experience eternal bliss" and "could you imagine a heaven that doesn't sour into a hell?" The Heaven that Nowak imagines is not a heaven at all, but a Sisyphean hell (which is where the Sisyphus quote comes in). There are also other themes (there's a lot of themes to Heaven, this thing is made of raw symbolism.) Such as the labyrinth below which might be a negative reflection of the grid of spaces, and the bridges that stretch across it and notably Heaven seemingly having taken out a chunk of one that Nowak was crossing. The body of Heaven we fight is also a cross between a human and a wolf skeleton dripping with oil. The oil is obviously meant to represent the oil paint that Nowak drew with and generally artistic themes, however the wolf skull is a bit less clear. It being an animal, unaffected by the human condition, might have some symbolic importance, as well as it being a wolf, a predator, maybe reflecting Heaven's nature at the same time. (Keep in mind that this thing is, again, made of raw symbolism, there is a whole lot of interpretation going on here) As you might have realized, Heaven also isn't really a thing exclusive to Nowak. Almost everyone experiences the same kind of existential dread that Heaven represents at some point in their lives, and as such Heaven is a very unique manifestation of the Garden that appears the same to everyone, unaffected by individual perceptions of the Garden. Even when you defeat it it doesn't die, it just goes away, presumably to torment some other person.

Death Quotes

I think we're going to Hell for this.
Do you also see a bright white light or is that just me?
Why is it so familiar?



  • If a party member is hit with The Scars Weep, Reclaim Conviction, or Come Home but they prevent the effects of the attack, such as with an item, it will consider the attack as having missed and the rest of the party will be attacked
  • The safest spot against an Incarnate is directly in front of it
  • Shields are effective against Heaven since the Incarnates do very little damage at the start
  • As the fight progresses, the Scars on your team will build up and make both the Incarnates and pigment management more dangerous
  • Because of the above point, Clive's ability to remove all status effects on himself makes him extremely effective here


  • Heaven is an entity more powerful than the Ungod. The only reason you have a fight against it at all is because " Heaven is trying to bring you around to its perspective rather than just claim you." -Talia, on Discord.
  • In a way, Heaven is The Garden, just in a different form.
  • The real name of the entity which for Nowak manifests as Heaven, as confirmed by Talia on discord, is Keith.
  • Unlike most of the Garden, Heaven is not perceived differently by the other party members[1][1]

