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"Placeholder quote about anime or something" -Bimini

Bimini is an unlockable character. She is a glass cannon with the ability to redistribute the damage she takes to the rest of her party.

Unlock requirements

Find Bimini and pay her 50 coins all at once.


Name Pigment Description
Slap.png Slap Yellow Deal 1 damage to Opposing enemy.
ExpireB.png Let them Expire RedYellowBlue Deal 8 damage to the Left and Right enemies. This attack is entirely blocked by Shield upscaled.pngShield. Inflict 1 Scars upscaled.pngScar to this party member
FormB.png Maintain Form RedYellow Remove all Scars from this party member.

Apply to current position an amount of Shield upscaled.pngShield equivalent to Scars upscaled.pngScars removed. 25% Chance to refresh this party member's abilities

Skewerb.png Skewer The Enemy RedPurpleBlue Deal 13 damage to the Opposing enemy. This attack is entirely blocked by Shield upscaled.pngShield. Inflict 1 Scars upscaled.pngScar to this party member.
Name Pigment Description
Slap.png Slap Yellow Deal 1 damage to Opposing enemy.
ExpireB.png Watch them Expire RedYellowBlue Deal 12 damage to the Left and Right enemies. This attack is entirely blocked by Shield upscaled.pngShield. Inflict 1 Scars upscaled.pngScar to this party member
FormB.png Regain Form RedYellow Remove all Scars from this party member.

Apply to current position an amount of Shield upscaled.pngShield equivalent to Scars upscaled.pngScars removed +1. 25% Chance to refresh this party member's abilities

Skewerb.png Skewer Their Flesh RedPurpleBlue Deal 16 damage to the Opposing enemy. This attack is entirely blocked by Shield upscaled.pngShield. Inflict 1 Scars upscaled.pngScar to this party member.
Name Pigment Description
Slap.png Slap Yellow Deal 1 damage to Opposing enemy.
ExpireB.png Make them Expire RedYellowBlue Deal 16 damage to the Left and Right enemies. This attack is entirely blocked by Shield upscaled.pngShield. Inflict 2 Scars upscaled.pngScars to this party member
FormB.png Remember the Form RedYellow Remove all Scars from this party member.

Apply to current position an amount of Shield upscaled.pngShield equivalent to Scars upscaled.pngScars removed +2. 25% Chance to refresh this party member's abilities

Skewerb.png Skewer Their Form RedPurpleBlue Deal 20 damage to the Opposing enemy. This attack is entirely blocked by Shield upscaled.pngShield. Inflict 1 Scars upscaled.pngScar to this party member.
Name Pigment Description
Slap.png Slap Yellow Deal 1 damage to Opposing enemy.
ExpireB.png We all Expire RedYellowBlue Deal 18 damage to the Left and Right enemies. This attack is entirely blocked by Shield upscaled.pngShield. Inflict 2 Scars upscaled.pngScars to this party member
FormB.png Remember her Form RedYellow Remove all Scars from this party member. Remove all Ruptured from this party member.

Apply to current position an amount of Shield upscaled.pngShield equivalent to Scars upscaled.pngScars removed +3. 25% Chance to refresh this party member's abilities

Skewerb.png Skewer The Memories RedPurpleBlue Deal 22 damage to the Opposing enemy. This attack is entirely blocked by Shield upscaled.pngShield. Inflict 1 Scars upscaled.pngScar to this party member.


Name Description Requirement
Bimini Square Portrait.png The Immortal Unlock Bimini. Find Bimini and pay her

50 coins all at once.

Achievement Unlocked 53.png Divine Mud Unlocked a new item. Forget Osman Sinnoks with Bimini.
Achievement Unlocked 72.png Opulent Egg Unlocked a new item. Transcend Heaven with Bimini.


First encounter:

Take one step closer and I will cut your head off!
Woah, maybe we should just leave.
I, I'm sorry, we were just looking for allies.
This strange place is extremely dangerous.
Have you been out here all alone?
*She subtly looks you up and down.*
Are you real?
Or are you another one of those things?
*Her grip tightens as she speaks.*
*You can hear her teeth clench behind her mask.*
I'm human.
Just like you.
How do I know you won't rupture into rotifers the second I look away?
Or that you aren't another bloated spider wearing a corpse?
I'll find a way out of these caves, I don't need you.
What? Caves, bloated spiders?
Nowak, I don't think she's in the same place as us.
Well, she is physically, but spiritually, I don't think so.
Her inner world doesn't seem to match with our own.
What would you need in order to trust us?
*She lowers her defenses an almost imperceptible degree.*
I have debts.
Material, and otherwise.
50 coins, here and now.
With that kind of money you may be worth the trouble.
But be warned.
The curse that afflicts me is a starving thing.
And I don't control when it feasts.
What the hell does that mean?
Listen, I'm not sure we need the help of EVERY dangerous weirdo we meet.

Before unlocking requirements are met:

*She raises her sword.*
One more step-
And you cut my head off, I know.
I'll be back with all 50 coins.

After unlocking requirements are met:

Here's the money, all of it.
*She hesitates, clearly trying to mentally defuse any possible traps.*
Kick it over to me.
*You oblige.*
*Feverishly, she counts the coins.*
This is enough.
But I'll warn you again.
You may be safer travelling without me.
I understand

Meeting her afterwards:

I'm going to travel with you
If you say no she may kill us
Oh okay.
Happy to have you

Meeting her afterwards, with a full party:

Keep walking
Come back when your party has more room.



  • Pigment management is important with Bimini since wrong-pigment and overflow damage increase with scars
  • Splig's ability to change the color of Lucky Pigment can help with Bimini's difficult pigment management


  • Bimini was designed after a late night rant Talia Mair went on about her frustration with games that featured "anime girls" being disproportionately successful on Steam and As well as a frustration with a common pattern of negative reviewers of Swallow the Sea and Perfect Vermin being fans of the dating sim genre. Bimini was intended to be a parody of the "cool anime girl with a sword cliché" but quickly unironically became the favourite character of Nicolás Delgado and most playtesters. This was the largest L Talia took during Brutal Orchestra's development.[1]
  • Bimini's "face" is actually a mask. The large red dot on her mask resembles the Japanese flag however it is unlikely she actually has any connection with Japan.[1]
  • "Bimini" is not Bimini's actual name.[1]
  • Bimini's curse of "immortality" was caused by her consuming mud and sediments dug up from beneath a dried up "fountain of youth".[1]
  • Bimini had a twin sister who she arrived in purgatory with. However, one day Bimini was seriously injured, but due to the divine mud she ate all of her injuries lashed out onto her sister, effectively killing her.[2]
  • Bimini was originally the quieter of the two sisters, but now with the other being gone she acts more confident, to fill the shoes of her sister.[3]
  • According to Talia under her mask Bimini is closest to Dimitri in appearance.[4]
  • Bimini is scared of spiders.[5]
  • Bimini is French[6]

