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Items are (often) useful objects that you can equip to your Party Members. Each Party Member can equip one item at a time.

Items are unlocked by completing Achievements. Shop items are usually purchased from shops, while Treasure items are usually found while exploring. Both kinds of item can be spawned from other items or awarded after defeating a mini-boss.


Area1Shop.png Area2Shop2.gif

Appearance Name Subtitle Description Cost How to unlock
Ampoule upscaled.png Ampoule "More purple pigment. Goodbye..." Start combat with an additional 3 purple pigment. 8 Unlocked by default.
Atabrine upscaled.png Atabrine "More yellow pigment, less malaria." Start combat with an additional 3 yellow pigment. 7 Unlocked by default.
Barely used gauze upscaled.png Barely Used Gauze "This was a lifesaver." Increase this party member's maximum health by 5. 4 Unlocked by default.
Blood bottle upscaled.png Blood Bottle "Bloodbath... More red pigment." Start combat with an additional 3 red pigment. 8 Unlocked by default.
Certificate of exemption upscaled.png Certificate of Exemption "Dodge more than the Draft" Wrong pigment can be used without dealing damage to self. Receiving direct or indirect damage destroys this item. 10 Unlocked by default.
First aid upscaled.png First Aid "Get well soon." Heal this party member 1 health at the end of each turn. 8 Unlocked by default.
Fly paper upscaled.png Fly Paper "Produce Yellow Pigment. Tastes like lemon." Adds Yellow Essence to this party member as a passive. Essence allows lucky pigment to be toggled to colours other than just blue. 4 Unlocked by default.
Glue trap upscaled.png Glue Trap "Produce Purple Pigment. A sticky situation." Adds Purple Essence to this party member as a passive. Essence allows lucky pigment to be toggled to colours other than just blue. 2 Unlocked by default.
Lady pills upscaled.png Lady Pills "More blue pigment. Where girls come from." Start combat with an additional 3 blue pigment. 8 Unlocked by default.
Lucky helmet upscaled.png Lucky Helmet "35% of the time it works 100% of the time." Upon this party member receiving any damage, there is a 35% chance to prevent all incoming damage to this party member. 4 Unlocked by default.
Pep Powder upscaled.png Pep Powder "In a minute you'll feel as good as new." Apply 7 Shield upscaled.pngShield to this party member's current position upon receiving any kind of damage. 4 Unlocked by default.
Plaster cast upscaled.png Plaster Cast "No more Frail." Prevent this party member from being inflicted with Frail upscaled.pngFrail. 2 Unlocked by default.
Prosthetics upscaled.png Prosthetics "Just because they stopped you doesn't mean you can't be unstoppable." This party member is 1 level higher than they would be otherwise. this item is destroyed at the end of combat. 6 Unlocked by default.
Recalled gas mask upscaled.png Recalled Gas Mask "No more lucky blue pigment, Makes your lungs itchy." At the beginning of combat reduce lucky blue pigment chance to 1%. 4 Unlocked by default.
Safe and sound upscaled.png Safe and Sound "Combination sold separately." This party member has a 15% chance to produce 1 random treasure upon receiving any kind of damage. This item is destroyed upon activation. 5 Unlocked by default.
Soggy bandages upscaled.png Soggy Bandages "Not much more we can do." Increase this party member's maximum health by 10. This party member now has
Leaky upscaled.pngLeaky as a passive.
5 Unlocked by default.
Splatter mask upscaled.png Splatter Mask "Safe from shrapnel and oil" Prevents this party member from being inflicted with Ruptured upscaled.pngRuptured or Oil Slicked upscaled.pngOil-Slicked. 3 Unlocked by default.
Spring trap upscaled.png Spring Trap "Produce Red Pigment. It's not cruel if it's quick." Adds Red Essence to this party member as a passive. Essence allows lucky pigment to be toggled to colours other than just blue. 5 Unlocked by default.
Stolen gold upscaled.png Stolen Gold "Heavy and Haunted." Adds 1-2 Scars upscaled.pngScars to this party member every turn.

75% chance to apply 1
Constricted upscaled.pngConstricted to this party member at the beginning of each turn. Gain twice as many coins at the end of combat.

10 Unlocked by default.
Sulfa powder upscaled.png Sulfa Powder "This should stop it from getting worse." Apply 1-12 Shield upscaled.pngShield to this party member's position at the beginning of each turn. 5 Unlocked by default.
Surrender upscaled.png Surrender "#@&! this." At the beginning of each turn, if the party member's health is below 25% of their maximum health, they will gain
Fleeting upscaled.pngFleeting and will flee the next turn.
1 Unlocked by default.
Sweet heart upscaled.png Sweet Heart "Do it for her." Upon receiving any kind of damage, remove
Cursed upscaled.pngCurse and fully heal this party member. This item is destroyed upon activation.
5 Unlocked by default.
Take a penny leave a penny upscaled.png Take a Penny, Leave a Penny "No Give! Only Take." Gain a coin upon performing an ability with this party member. 50% chance to lose a coin on turn end. This item has a 5% chance to be destroyed upon activation. 1 Unlocked by default.
Trench foot upscaled.png Trench Foot "Knee deep in Blue Pigment." At the beginning of combat increase lucky pigment chance to 99%. 5 Unlocked by default.
Used band aids upscaled.png Used Band Aids "Become immune to ouchies and boo boos." 50% chance to heal 1 health to this party member at the end of each turn. 0 Unlocked by default.
Used needle upscaled.png Used Needle "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle." Deal an additional 1 direct damage to the opposing enemy upon this party member performing an action. 0 Unlocked by default.
Another dud upscaled.png Another Dud "Practically harmless..." Upon receiving any kind of damage there is a 40% chance to deal 40 direct damage to a random enemy. This item is destroyed upon activation. 5 Forget Osman Sinnoks with Boyle.
Baltic Brine.png Baltic Brine "Liquid misery" Lucky pigment now generates an additional pigment. 2 Beat Brutal Orchestra 2 times consecutively. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
BoxofMedals upscaled.png Box of Medals "What an unfortunate thing to have extras of." At the beginning of combat add 3 Scars upscaled.pngScars to all enemies and party members. 10 Complete "The Orpheum" Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Bronzos2cents.png Bronzo's 2 Cents "Penny for your thoughts?" Does nothing. ("buying" it at the shop will give you 2 coins) -2 Complete "What the !@#$ Nowak?" achievement Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Cano'Worms upscaled.png Can o' Worms "Now you've done it!" Produce 3 "Fish" upon taking any kind of damage. This item is destroyed upon activation. 7 Complete "The Far Shore" Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Chain of command.png Chain of Command "Kingslayer." This party member deals 75% more damage to Size 2 and larger enemies. 8 Have over 100+ coins at once. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
ConscriptionNotice upscaled.png Conscription Notice "Don't fight it." Cancel all enemy actions on the first turn of combat. This item is destroyed upon activation. 7 Complete "The Garden". Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Consolation prize upscaled.png Consolation Prize "Maybe next time." Heal this party member 1 health if they do not perform an ability this turn. Heal this party member 1 health if they do not move this turn. 5 Die for the first time.
Counterfeit Coins.png Counterfeit Coins "Print Money." Upon receiving damage, destroy this item and produce 10 coins. 2 Complete "Okay Nowak, Seriously Stop!" achievement. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
CounterfeitMedal upscaled.png Counterfeit Medal "You did it?" Add 3 Scars upscaled.pngScars to a party member or enemy each turn. 6 Purchase everything in a shop. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Czech hedgehog upscaled.png Czech Hedgehog "About as cuddly as the real thing." Deal 5 direct damage to the opposing enemy and 1 indirect damage to the left and right allies upon receiving any kind of damage. 5 Forget Osman Sinnoks with Dimitri.
DDT upscaled.png DDT "DDT is good for me-e-e" This party member cannot be healed directly. Indirectly heals this party member 2-4 health at the end of the turn. 5 Transcend Heaven with SmokeStacks.
Defective rounds upscaled.png Defective Rounds "They're doing their best." Deal 1-7 indirect damage to the Opposing enemy at the end of each turn. 8 Get a party member killed by Trigger Fingers's "Headshot".
DemonCore upscaled.png Demon Core "The sleeping dragon." Upon this party member receiving any damage this item will instantly kill this party member. This item will deal 100 damage to the Opposing enemy. This item will then deal 0-50 damage to all party members and enemies. 5 Slay an Ungod... Kinda. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Deworming pills upscaled.png Deworming Pills "No more little friends." This party member now deals 25% more damage to size 1 enemies. 10 Forget Osman Sinnoks with LongLiver.
Dried paint upscaled.png Dried Paint "Wasted potential." At the end of each turn, if there is overflow pigment, consume 1-5 pigment from the pigment bar. 5 Defeat This Pitiful Corpse.
DumDum.png Dum-Dum "Hollow point pain" Inflict 1 Scars upscaled.pngScars to the opposing enemy whenever this party member deals damage to an enemy or party member. 5 Get a win streak of 2. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Ed's tags upscaled.png Ed's Tags "...need to make an example out of somebody..." This party member has Fleeting upscaled.pngFleeting as a passive and will flee after 4 turns. Heal this party member 5 health upon fleeing. 2 Use an ability that damages a member of the party and have it kill them.
Esoteric artifact.png Esoteric Artifact "Moving pictures dance within." At the beginning of combat, end combat and gain no rewards or achievements.

This item is destroyed upon activation. This item has no effect on bosses.

4 Completing the Director's Quest. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Expired medicine.png Expired Medicine "No prescription, No problem." Start combat with 3 randomly-coloured pigment. 7 Get a win streak of 2. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Extra stitches upscaled.png Extra Stitching "Well we can't waste it." Increase healing received by this party member by 40%. 5 Forget Osman Sinnoks with Splig.
Faulty land mine.png Faulty Land Mine "Never saw it coming." Upon this party member moving, there is a 5% chance to deal 40 direct damage to the Opposing enemy.

This item is destroyed upon activation.

4 Deal 100 or more points of damage in a single hit to an enemy during a successful combat encounter. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Forgotten pump.png Forgotten Pump "This isn't gasoline..." The yellow pigment generator now generates pigment of random colours instead. 5 Get a win streak of 2. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Gentlemans gloves.png Gentlemen's Glove "*SNAP!*" Replaces "Slap" with "Snap", a largely useless ability that can easily be repeated.

This party member now has Withering upscaled.pngWithering as a passive.

4 Get a win streak of 2. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
HealthInsurance upscaled.png Health Insurance "Might be cheaper to just die." Upon death if you have over 20 coins, lose 20 coins and prevent this party member's death. Fully heal this party member. This item is destroyed upon activation.

(Also removes all status effects)

0 Forget Osman Sinnoks with Burnout. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Homeless Hotline.png Homeless Hotline "Phone it in." At the start of combat this party member immediately flees, and is replaced by a clone that is 1 level lower and has Withering upscaled.pngWithering as a passive. 10 Get a win streak of 3. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Iron necklace upscaled.png Iron Necklace "May his shield protect." Prevent Cursed upscaled.pngCurse and
Linked upscaled.pngLinked from being applied to this party member.
3 Forget Osman Sinnoks with Agon.
Lady gloves upscaled.png Lady Gloves "*Slap!*" "Slap" for this party member is replaced with "SLAP!", a stronger version of "Slap". 3 Kill any boss by slapping it.
Lil Smiley.png Lil Smiley "Gas attack edition." Set all other party member's health colour to the health colour of this party member. 3 Get a win streak of 3. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Littering Leaflets.png Littering Leaflets "Mixed messages. Generates 1 pigment of a random colour at the start of each turn. 2 Get a win streak of 2. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Medical leeches upscaled.png Medical Leeches "Who knew they made doctors so small." 50% chance to remove 1 pigment upon performing an action with this party member. 6 Transcend Heaven with LongLiver.
Modern medicine upscaled.png Modern Medicine "You are about to experience the cutting edge of medicine!" This party member's maximum health is increased by 5 and deals 5 damage more than they would otherwise. This party member is 1 level lower than they would be otherwise. 8 Transcend Heaven with Leviat.
Mystery ration upscaled.png Mystery Ration "I thought we were all out." When this party member dies, fully heal all other party members. This item is destroyed upon activation. 4 Forget Osman Sinnoks with Cranes.
Ol reliable upscaled.png Ol Reliable "It'll have to do." Round all direct damage dealt by this party member up to 6. 5 Defeat the final boss without Nowak in your active party.
Ol' stumpy upscaled.png Ol Stumpy "Can't break what you don't have." Prevent Frail upscaled.pngFrail,
Ruptured upscaled.pngRuptured, and Oil Slicked upscaled.pngOil-slicked. Upon preventing one of these status effects, decrease this party member's maximum health by 1. If this party member's maximum health cannot be decreased further, die.
6 Transcend Heaven with Cranes.
Pain killers upscaled.png Pain Killers "Take a few, kill the pain. Take a lot, kill yourself." Heal this party member 3 health at the end of each turn. If this party member is at full health, this party member's maximum health will be decreased by 2 at the end of each turn. 5 Transcend Heaven with Splig.
Pharmaceutical roller coaster.png Pharmaceutical Roller Coaster "Up and down and up and..." This party member now deals 50% more damage or 50% less damage when performing ability. 6 Get a win streak of 3. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Prussian blue upscaled.png Prussian Blue "..." Deal 1 indirect damage to all enemies at the end of each turn. 1 Forget Osman Sinnoks with SmokeStacks.
Purple heart upscaled.png Purple Heart "Die for the cause." Quadruple combat rewards from this combat encounter if this party member dies. This item is destroyed upon activation. This item does not trigger on Nowak's death. 2 Transcend Heaven with Boyle.
Roentgen rays upscaled.png Roentgen Rays "Look inside yourself." Refresh this party member's abilities and movement upon performing an action. This item has a 33% chance to be destroyed upon activation. 5 Transcend Heaven with Hans.
Rorschach test upscaled.png Rorschach Test "It's... It's a butterfly! Wait no! It's a bear!" Randomize all party members' and enemies' health colours at the beginning of combat. 3 Forget Osman Sinnoks with Hans.
Russki vampire upscaled.png Russki Vampire "From Russia with love." At the end of each turn, heal 3 health or deal 2 direct damage to this party member.

(Does not trigger if at full health)

1 Transcend Heaven with Anton.
Sculptor's tools upscaled.png Sculptor's Tools "It's not finished yet!" Increase damage dealt by 25%. Upon dealing damage, turn the opposing enemy's health grey. 4 Forget Osman Sinnoks with Gospel.
SoapItem.png Soap? "Never feel clean again." At the end of combat gain a coin for each yellow pigment in the pigment bar.

This effect does not apply to the yellow pigment generator.

5 Get a win streak of 2. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
SomeoneElses'sFace upscaled.png Someone Else's Face "A whole new you." "Slap" is replaced with this party member's missing ability. 50% chance to destroy this item on any kind of damage. 6 Hire all 3 party members from the Fools Board. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Tape worm pills.png Tape Worm Pills "Lose weight without effort! May cause nausea, weakness of muscles and mind, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea, skin craving, dizziness, and death." Inflict this party member with 50 MutualismIcon.pngMutualism at the beginning of combat. This item is destroyed at the end of combat. Grow your own wormy friend. (At the end of combat, or If Mutualism runs out, Gall Gagger spawns) 10 Have an enemy Fleeting upscaled.pngflee with LongLiver still inside them. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
The Masters Sickle.png The Master's Sickle "Ever wish people would be more open?" Adds the ability "Seam Ripper" to this party member, a relatively weak attack that can summon helpful dolls if it kills an enemy. 8 Give the Director a "heart". Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Used dog tags.png Used Dog Tags "Hurt me plenty." This party member can no longer be healed. All healing received by this party member is dealt as damage to a random enemy instead. 5 Get a win streak of 3. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Vowbreaker.png Vowbreaker "Strength to see the end." At the end of each turn, reroll all purple pigment into a different colour pigment. 2 Get a win streak of 4. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Vyacheslavs Last sip.png Vyacheslav's Last sip "Pair with a basket of bread for the full experience. Inflict 1-3 On Fire upscaled.pngFire to all enemy positions at the beginning of combat.

This item is destroyed upon activation.

7 Give the Director "clothing" Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
War Bond.png War Bond "Buy into the war effort." At the end of combat, you are rewarded an item instead of money. This item is almost always a shop item but very rarely can be a treasure item. 0 Get a win streak of 3. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
You can do it upscaled.png You Can Do It! "Me?" On combat start, there is a 50% chance to apply Spotlight upscaled.pngSpotlight to a random party member or enemy. 10 Forget Osman Sinnoks with Anton.



Appearance Name Subtitle Description How to Unlock
BlackenedToad Upscaled.png Blackened Toad "Tainted Frogspawn" Remove all purple pigment from the pigment bar at the end of each turn and deal 2 indirect damage to a random enemy for each pigment removed. Unlocked by default.
BlueBible upscaled.png Blue Bible "Ontological Wiggle Room." Overflow under 6 will no longer trigger. Unlocked by default.
BrokenHammer upscaled.png Broken Hammer "It's not violence if they're vermin." Deal an additional 5 direct damage to the opposing enemy upon performing an action. If this additional attack misses, inflict 2 Frail upscaled.pngFrail to self. Unlocked by default.
ColonCoins upscaled.png Colon Coins "You swallowed your pride didn't you..." Upon receiving any kind of damage there is a 50% chance of producing 3 coins. 4% chance to be destroyed upon activation. Unlocked by default.
CurvedDagger upscaled.png Curved Dagger "A little off the top." Heal this party member 40% of their maximum health upon killing an enemy. Unlocked by default.
CrookedDie upscaled.png Crooked Die "Anything could happen..." Add Unstable upscaled.pngUnstable to this party member as a passive. Decreases incoming damage by 1-6. Unlocked by default.
DefacedScripture upscaled.png Defaced Scripture "Contagious Curse" Inflict Cursed upscaled.pngCurse to the Opposing enemy at the end of each turn. Deal 7 damage to the Opposing enemy if they are Cursed upscaled.pngCursed at the end of each turn. Unlocked by default.
Funnelhelmet upscaled.png Funnel Helmet "Mostly impenetrable." On turn end, apply 5 Shield upscaled.pngShield to this party member's position if this party member has no shield. Unlocked by default.
FunnyMushrooms upscaled.png Funny Mushrooms "Why are you all so many?" Increase this party member's maximum health by 7. On turn start, randomize this party member's health colour. Unlocked by default.
Gambler'sRightHand upscaled.png Gambler's Right Hand "Double or nothing." Upon receiving direct damage, this party member will either receive full damage (30%), no damage (60%), or double damage (10%). Unlocked by default.
GrumpyGrump upscaled.png Grumpy Gump "No Touch!" Upon this party member receiving any kind of damage, deal 5 direct damage to the Opposing enemy. Unlocked by default.
IronHelmet upscaled.png Iron Helmet "Impenetrable." Apply 100 Shield to this party member's position at the beginning of combat. Unlocked by default.
LilHomunculus upscaled.png Lil Homunculus "May he eat your woes" Prevent any negative status effects from being applied to this party member. Upon preventing one of these status effects, decrease this party member's maximum health by 1. If this party member's maximum health cannot be decreased further, die. Unlocked by default.
LittleKnife upscaled.png Little Knife "Prey upon the weak." This party member deals 25% more direct damage to enemies with lower health than this party member. Unlocked by default.
LumpofLamb upscaled.png Lump of Lamb "False shepherd. False flock." Spawn a level 1 clone of this party member on combat start. Unlocked by default.
MommaNooty upscaled.png Momma Nooty "Yellow pigment caviar." Remove all yellow pigment from the pigment bar and pigment generator at the end of each turn, healing 2 health to a random party member for each pigment removed. Unlocked by default.
RAM! upscaled.png RAM! "...and Slam." Deal 5 direct damage to the Opposing enemy upon this party member moving themself to another position. Unlocked by default.
RuntyRotter upscaled.png Runty Rotter "It's all a feast when ur smol." Remove all pigment of a random colour at the end of each turn and apply an equivalent amount of Shield to this party member's position. Unlocked by default.
Skates upscaled.png Skates! "Now all you need is ice." This party member now has Skittish upscaled.pngSkittish as a passive. Heal this party member 0-3 health upon moving. Unlocked by default.
Stigmata upscaled.png Stigmata "Martyrdom." 10% chance to refresh abilities and movement for this party member upon performing an ability. Increase this chance to refresh this party member by +10% for each wrong pigment used to perform an ability by this party member. Unlocked by default.
TaintedApple upscaled.png Tainted Apple "A second chance!" Prevent this party member's death once. Upon preventing death heal this party member 5 health and then Cursed upscaled.pngCurse this party member. This item is destroyed upon activation. This item does nothing if this party member has Dying upscaled.pngDying or Inanimate upscaled.pngInanimate as passives. Unlocked by default.
Agift upscaled.png A Gift? "You belong to him now." Heal 3-5 health each turn. 50% chance to apply Constricted upscaled.pngConstricted to self at the beginning of each turn. Transcend Heaven with Burnout.
AllthatisMortal upscaled.png All that is Mortal "Mind over matter... At least for a little while." This party member receives no damage from using the wrong pigment.

This party member has Dying upscaled.pngDying as a passive.

Defeat either "The Witness" or "The Divine".
AsceticEgg upscaled.png Ascetic Egg "There is weakness in strength." 15% chance to produce 3 random treasures upon receiving any kind of damage. This item is destroyed upon activation. Use an Ability with the wrong Pigment, so that the Companion dies because of it.
BananasCatItem.png Bananas "Mrrrrrrrrrrawr." Spawns a cat. (Spawns Bananas the "Cat" (friendly)) Complete the "Time to Die!" achievement. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
BananasFruit.png Bananas "Buh-na-nuh." Heal 5 health to this party member at the beginning of each turn.

33% chance to be consumed upon activation.

Consumed at the end of combat.

(Also has a chance to replace any future items in shops or treasures with a copy of itself)

Complete the "The Shyster" achievement. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
BlindFaith upscaled.png Blind Faith "Pray." This party member has Confusion upscaled.pngConfusion as a passive. Heal all party members 1-3 health each turn. Forget Osman Sinnoks with Leviat.
BloatingCoffers upscaled.png Bloating Coffers "Thank you for your donation." Prevent damage to this party member instead, lose an equivalent amount of coins. If you have no coins no damage is prevented. Complete "The Orpheum" with no casualties on Hardmode.
Blood breathing bomb.png Blood Breathing Bomb "Tick, tick, tick." This item will explode once 11 total abilities have been performed either by enemies or party members.

After detonating, this item will reset and require an additional six abilities to activate again.

This item will deal massive damage to whatever side performs the final ability that activates it.

(Deal 5 Indirect damage to everything, and apply 1 fire to everything).

Defeat "Xiphactinus and Gillicus" Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
BrigadeofDis upscaled.png Brigade of Dis "A life for a life." Adds "Blood Gamble" as an additional ability, an extremely powerful attack with a high chance of backfiring. Murder Trigger Fingers.
Broken doll.png Broken Doll "Play time's over." Attempts to spawn up to 4 dolls as additional party members. Interact with the Director for the first time. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Bronzos Stupid Hat.png Bronzo's Stupid Hat "The price tag says 5 Coins." 60% chance to double your current money at the end of combat.

40% chance to halve your money at the end of combat.

Beat Bronzo the Bronzo the Bronzo the Bronzo... Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Caretaker'sCudgel upscaled.png Caretaker's Cudgel "Have a spine, stand up for yourself!" Deal 5 direct damage to the Left and Right Opposing enemies upon this party member moving themself to another position. Complete all areas with no casualties on Hardmode. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
ConvergentRage upscaled.png Convergent Rage "They will break you, but they will not stop you." 50% chance to decrease maximum health instead of receiving direct damage if this party member is not at full health. Cancel Roid's entire turn. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Cremation upscaled.png Cremation "Scatter their Ashes." Apply 1 On Fire upscaled.pngFire to all enemy positions on combat start and 3 On Fire upscaled.pngfire to this party member's starting position. Transcend Heaven with Dimitri.
Cursed Sword.png Cursed Sword "Strike fast. Strike hard." Inflict this party member with Cursed upscaled.pngCurse at the beginning of combat.

This item deals 1 damage to this party member at the end of each turn.

Adds the ability "Bladed Malediction" to this party member, an extremely strong attack with a moderate chance to refresh this party member.

Give the Director a "knife". Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
DivineMud upscaled.png Divine Mud "Immortal?" Apply Immortal upscaled.pngImmortal to this party member as a passive. Forget Osman Sinnoks with Bimini.
EffigyoftheMettleMother upscaled.png Effigy of the Mettle Mother "Signal Jammer." All status and field effects no longer decrease with the exception of Shield upscaled.pngShield and Constricted upscaled.pngConstricted. Transcend Heaven with Thype.
EggOfFirmament.png Egg of Firmament "Glimpse the Future." 80% chance to produce 2 random treasure items upon receiving any kind of damage.

These items can be locked. This item is destroyed upon activation.

Lose to any boss. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Egg of Incubus Item 1.png Egg of Incubus "Little brother is sleeping." Reduces incoming direct damage by 75%

Reduces incoming indirect damage by 50%

50% chance to be consumed at the end of combat.

100% the game. Added in the Anniversary Update
Enigma.png Enigma "When the moment arrives." If this party member has 5 or more Scars upscaled.pngScars, this item will remove all Scars upscaled.pngScars from this party member and deal 5-15 indirect damage to all enemies.

Upon receiving damage, this party member will gain a Scars upscaled.pngScar.

Adds the ability "Swelling Energies" to this party member, an ability that inflicts this party member with a single Scars upscaled.pngScar.

Give the Director a "demon fetish". Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Exquisite Corpse Item.png Exquisite Corpse "Audience of one." Inflict Cursed upscaled.pngcursed to this party member on combat start.

15% chance to produce a random treasure item upon this party member receiving any kind of damage.

100% the game. Added in the Anniversary Update
FishingRod upscaled.png Fishing Rod "You Caught a..." Catches 0-3 "Fish" at the end of combat. Forget Osman Sinnoks with Thype.
FistFullofAsh upscaled.png Fist Full of Ash "Less than human." This party member's health colour is now grey. Incoming direct damage is reduced by 50% for this party member. Incoming indirect is increased by 100% for this party member. Transcend Heaven with Arnold.
GamifiedCephalpod upscaled.png Gamified Cephalopod "Austrian and Oily." Upon receiving damage, inflict 2 Oil Slicked upscaled.pngOil-Slicked to all enemies and then heal this party member 0-2 health Transcend Heaven with Fennec Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
GildedMirror upscaled.png Gilded Mirror "Item reflections" Copies the effects of another item currently in combat. Once another item has been copied, the Gilded Mirror will behave as if it is that item for the remainder of combat. Forget Osman Sinnoks with Griffin.
Gospel'sSeveredHead upscaled.png Gospel's Severed Head "It's sleeping." At the beginning of each turn, apply Divine Protection upscaled.pngDivine Protection to all other allies. Transcend Heaven with Gospel.
GumpMingGoa upscaled.png Gump Ming Goa "Filthy, filthy fishes..." On combat start add Bone Spurs Upscaled.pngBone Spurs (3) to all party members. Complete a difficult encounter before any enemies can act. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Harvest and plenty.png Harvest and Plenty "Everything the Earth can offer." Adds PigmentEssenceIcon.pngUntethered Essence to this party member.

Increases this party member's maximum health by 1 each turn.

Defeat a Sepulchre Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
HeadofScribe upscaled.png Head of Scribe "Heat exhaustion is bad but Heatstroke is worse." Inflict 1 Frail upscaled.pngFrail to all enemies at the beginning of combat. Transcend Heaven with Pearl.
Hereafter upscaled.png Hereafter "The Great Equalizer." After dying, this party member will continue to behave as normal, but will still be lost at the end of combat. Does not affect Inanimate upscaled.pngInanimate party members or Nowak. Defeat the Charcarrion by letting it's corpse decompose.
HolyChalice upscaled.png Holy Chalice "Drink deep. Feel funny." After receiving damage, if this party member's health is over 0, decrease this party member's maximum health by 5%. Set this party member's health to a random value. Forget Osman Sinnoks with Clive.
HowlingLog upscaled.png Howling Log "Uuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaagh!" Upon dealing damage to an enemy, reroll a random ability on the timeline. Add Unstable upscaled.pngUnstable to this party member. Fully explore all zones in Hardmode.
Ichthys upscaled.png Ichthys "Plently more in the Sea." Adds "Trout Slap" as an additional ability, a weak attack with the ability to move the target to the left or right. Complete "The Far Shore" with no casualties on Hardmode.
IdeaofEvil upscaled.png Idea of Evil "Prescience." Adds "Sabbath" as an additional ability, a powerful group healing ability that decreases this party member's maximum health. Transcend Heaven.
ImmolatedFairy upscaled.png Immolated Fairy "Not even that close to the Sun! You could do better." Adds "Icarus" as an additional ability, a dangerous and unwieldy On Fire upscaled.pngfire based attack. Murder Hickory.
Indulgence upscaled.png Indulgence "Share the consequences." 80% chance of not triggering overflow at the end of this turn. Lose a party member to Pigment overflow.
Infernal eye.png Infernal Eye "See all. Stop all." This item blocks the passive effects of: Parental upscaled.pngParental, Pure upscaled.pngPure, Layer-1 upscaled.pngAbsorb, Unstable upscaled.pngUnstable, Obscured upscaled.pngObscured, Confusion upscaled.pngConfusion, Immortal upscaled.pngImmortal, and Transfusion upscaled.pngTransfusion for the rest of combat. Give the Director a "face". Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Lil orro.png Lil Orro "Careful, he's hungry." This party member now deals 15% more damage to enemies.

This party member now deals 100% more damage if the enemy is a fish.

Survive Ouroboros' Starvation. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Lust Pudding upscaled.png
Lust Pudding "Carnal Cravings." On turn start, inflict 2 Scars upscaled.pngScars to the enemy(ies) with the highest health and 1 Scars upscaled.pngScars to the party member(s) with the highest health. Complete a combat encounter without any party members performing an ability. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Lycanthrope'sCore upscaled.png Lycanthrope's Core "It's been waiting for you..." At the end of your turn, deal 7 damage to the Opposing position if this party member has not moved themself this turn. Forget Osman Sinnoks with Pearl.
ManMadeOvum upscaled.png Man Made Ovum "It was supposed to be sterile, this is an abomination." Adds "Alchemical Abomination" as an additional ability, a chaotic maelstrom of abilities. Unmake the Unfinished Heir. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
MeatreWorm upscaled.png Meatre Worm "You can taste the fear in it." Heal this party member 5 health at the end of each turn. 25% chance to be scrumptious on use. (seen below) Forget Osman Sinnoks with Mordrake. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
MiniMordrake upscaled.png Mini Mordrake "Disposable friends." Mordrake, Mordrake,

Mordrake, Mordrake. (spawns as many Mordrake clones as possible at the beginning of a battle)

Defeat all bosses found in the main campaign. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Norris upscaled.png Norris! "Norris is UNSTOPPABLE!" Deal 6 damage to All enemies at the end of each turn. (upon taking any damage transforms into Norris..., seen below) Transcend Heaven with Mordrake. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
OpulentEgg upscaled.png Opulent Egg "There is strength in weakness." Add Frail upscaled.pngFrail to this party member as a passive. Apply Spotlight upscaled.pngSpotlight to this party member on combat start. Transcend Heaven with Bimini.
PegLeg upscaled.png Peg Leg "Death March." This party member will refresh their movement upon moving themself to a new location. When this party member moves themself there is a 50% chance of receiving 1 direct damage. Defeat the final boss in under 45 minutes.
Pontiff'sParade upscaled.png Pontiff's Parade "Pope Mobile." Overflow damage is only dealt to this party member. Transcend Heaven with Kleiver.
Professional Procrastinator.png Professional Procrastinator "Gimme a minute." If this party member does not perform an ability this turn, they get one guaranteed refresh next turn.

This effect is stackable between multiple turns.

Get a win streak of 4. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
RibofEve upscaled.png Rib of Eve "You were never enough." Adds "Original Sin" as an additional ability, a powerful but limited healing ability. Murder Roids.
RotundAmphibian upscaled.png Rotund Amphibian "Bounce n' Blubber" 40% chance to prevent incoming damage and instead move this party member to the Left or Right randomly 5 times. Forget Osman Sinnoks with Fennec Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Sacrificial Saint.png Sacrificial Saint "Invoke the wrath of God." Upon this party member's death, summon the Ungod on your behalf.

50% chance to also summon the Ungod on combat start.

Get a win streak of 5. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
SeedsoftheConsumed upscaled.png Seeds of the Consumed "He is still with us." 30% chance to heal this party member 4 health upon moving. Transcend Heaven with Clive.
Serpent'sHead upscaled.png Serpent's Head "It's only human to want a little more." 20% chance to refresh this party member's abilities upon performing an ability. Complete The Garden with no casualties on Hard Mode.
ShardofNowak upscaled.png Shard of Nowak "So that's where this was." This party member gains Focused Upscaled.pngFocused at the beginning of combat. Unlock Hardmode.
SkinnedSkate upscaled.png Skinned Skate "Wait this might actually be a ray." Adds "Penance" as an additional ability, a powerful Ruptured upscaled.pngRupture inflicting ability that will sometimes backfire. Murder Mobius.
SomeoneElse'sWeddingRing upscaled.png Someone's Wedding Ring "Till death do us part." At the beginning of each turn, apply Divine Protection upscaled.pngDivine Protection to the party member with the lowest health. Forget Osman Sinnoks with Arnold.
SpikedCollar upscaled.png Spiked Collar "Skin splitter." Adds "Crown of Thorns" as an additional ability, a more powerful version of "Slap that will sometimes inflict Ruptured. Transcend Heaven with Griffin.
Starving apples.png Starving Apples "The fruits that feast among us." At the start of the turn, apply 1 Infestation Upscaled.pngInfestation to a random party member or enemy.

Repeat this effect 3 times.

Get a win streak of 5. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
StillbornEgg upscaled.png Stillborn Egg "What terrible things lurk inside" Upon death destroy this item and spawn two random level one party members. The spawned party members may be currently locked or normally unobtainable. This item does not trigger on Nowak's death. Have the same party member die by Heaven's damage twice in the same encounter.
StrangeFruit upscaled.png Strange Fruit "Eve and Adam ate of the garden and in flesh you can still taste it." Adds "Cannibalize" as an additional ability, a powerful self healing ability that feeds off your enemies and allies." Slay the Ouroboros.
TheApple upscaled.png The Apple "A second chance." Prevent this party member's death once. Fully heal this party member. This item is destroyed upon activation. This item does nothing if this party member has Dying upscaled.pngDying or Inanimate upscaled.pngInanimate as passives. Transcend Heaven with Agon.
TheBrand upscaled.png The Brand "Do as thou wilt." Adds "Inhuman Utterings" as an additional ability, an ability that inflicts Frail upscaled.pngFrail to all enemies and party members. Slay the Charcarrion.
TheFirstBorn upscaled.png The First Born "The feast comes to an end." On turn start, inflict 1 Frail upscaled.pngFrail to the enemy(ies) with the highest health and 2 Frail upscaled.pngFrail to the party member(s) with the highest health. Allow a character to be healed by the Ouroboros' "Smooch" ability. (full HP, Inanimate upscaled.pngInanimate and Dying upscaled.pngDying party members don't count)
TheHumanSoul upscaled.png The Human Soul "The Mortal Horizon." "Slap" is replaced with this party member's missing ability. Forget Osman Sinnoks.
TheIdealFormofTrash upscaled.png The Ideal Form of Trash "The metaphysical garbage which all others trash imitates." 15% chance to produce a random shop item upon this party member receiving any kind of damage. Let SmoothSkin die from the ability "Trauma" from My Own Visage.
TheJersey upscaled.png The Jersey "Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill" Round damage dealt by this party member up to 8. Put this back down while you still have the chance.


-Has a 40% chance to turn into the Infinite Jersey seen below.

-Upon performing an action heals 1 HP and reduces max HP by 1.

-At the end of the battle one item in a random location (shop or a treasure chest) is changed to The Jersey. This location can be in any area. Already existing Jersey can also be targeted as an item to change, which will result in not adding another Jersey. This effect repeats for every Jersey-type item present at the end of battle.)

Forget Osman Sinnoks with Kleiver.
TheRestofNowak upscaled.png The Rest of Nowak "The result of one too many restarts." Upon receiving direct damage, spawn a level 1 "Nowak" clone with Dying upscaled.pngDying and an equal amount of health to the health lost. Forget Osman Sinnoks with Nowak as your only living party member. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Tondal'sVision upscaled.png Tondal's Vision "Let it all out." Adds "Abject Rejection" as an additional ability, an extremely powerful version of "Slap" at a terrible cost. Kill every boss by slapping it. ("SLAP!" also works)
Trepanation upscaled.png Trepanation "A real head scratcher." For each enemy there is a 50% chance to apply 1 Linked upscaled.pngLinked at the beginning of combat. Forget Osman Sinnoks with Rags.
UnfortunateProphecy upscaled.png Unfortunate Prophecy "Worms. Worms under your skin. I'm sorry but that is what the prophecy states." Adds "Worm Skin" as an additional ability, a health leeching weak attack. Slay the SmoothSkin
ViolatedPact upscaled.png Violated Pact "The time will come." Apply 50 Shield upscaled.pngShield to each party member position.

Inflict 1-2 Scars upscaled.pngScars to each party member at the end of each turn.

Complete the Emissary's Quest.
WheelofFortune upscaled.png Wheel of Fortune "It's difficult for me to express my emotions." This party member now has free will and upon turn end will act of their own will.

(Causes party member to perform 2 actions)

Transcend Heaven with Rags.
WickerChild upscaled.png Wicker Child "It can hear you breathing." Upon death destroy this item and spawn 2 level one copies of this party member. This item does not trigger on Nowak's death. Fully explore any normal zone. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update


All the unique items that are gained from Can o' Worms or Fishing Rod.

Appearance Name Subtitle Description How to Unlock
Guppy upscaled.png Guppy "You Caught a... Guppy! 3cm." Heal this party member 2 health at the end of each turn. 11% chance to be destroyed upon activation. Unlocked by default.
Salmon.png Salmon "You Caught a... Salmon! 70cm." Heal this party member 5 health at the end of each turn. 50% chance to be destroyed upon activation. Unlocked by default.
GreatWhite.png Great White "You Caught a... Great White! 600cm." Deal 20 damage to the opposing enemy upon this party member performing an action. This item is destroyed upon activation. Unlocked by default.
RightShoe upscaled.png Right Shoe "You Caught a... Right Shoe! 23cm." Prevent incoming damage to this party member once and then destroy this item. Unlocked by default.
Wels Catfish.png Wels Catfish "You Caught a… Wels Catfish! 450cm." Heal this party member 4 health at the end of each turn. 50% chance to be destroyed upon activation. This item produces 2 fish upon being destroyed. Forget Osman Sinnoks with Mung. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Left shoe.png Left Shoe "You Caught a… Left Shoe! 23cm." Decrease incoming damage by 50%. 20% chance to be destroyed upon activation. Transcend Heaven with Mung. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update

Item states

Some items have different states depending on various circumstances

Appearance Name Subtitle Description Notes
BananasFruitSpent.png A Banana Peel "Still a little flavour in there." Heal 0-1 health to this party member at the beginning of each turn.

Add Slippery to this party member.

Wormeaten.png Meatre Worm (2nd state) "Savor this moment." Heal this party member 3 health at the end of each turn. 15% chance to be tasty on use. Meatre worm has a 25% chance to turn into this upon use
Wormeatenohno.png Meatre Worm (final state) "Picked Clean." Heal this party member 1 heath at the end of each turn. Nom. 2nd state Meatre worm has a 15% chance to turn into this upon use
Ohnomorris.png Norris... "Norris has been stopped." Deal 1 damage to All enemies at the end of each turn. Norris! turns into this upon taking any damage.
InfinityJersey.png The Infinite Jersey "The folds reveal themselves." Round damage dealt by this party member up to 10. Using this is a bad idea.


-Has a 40% chance to turn into the The Asymptote seen below.

-Upon performing an action heals 2 HP and reduces max HP by 2.)

-At the end of the battle one item in a random location (shop or a treasure chest) is changed to The Jersey. This location can be in any area. Already existing Jersey can also be targeted as an item to change, which will result in not adding another Jersey. This effect repeats for every Jersey-type item present at the end of battle.
Jerseyfinal.png The Asymptote "You are so close to the source now." Round damage dealt by this party The member up to 2. If you are reading this it is already too late.


-Upon performing an action heals 3 HP and reduces max HP by 3.


-At the end of the battle one item in a random location (shop or a treasure chest) is changed to The Jersey. This location can be in any area. Already existing Jersey can also be targeted as an item to change, which will result in not adding another Jersey. This effect repeats for every Jersey-type item present at the end of battle.
Egg of Incubus Item 2.png Egg of Incubus "Little brother is leaking." Reduces incoming direct damage by 50%

Reduces incoming indirect damage by 25% 50% chance to be consumed at the end of combat.

Egg of Incubus Item 3.png Extremely Unfinished Heir "It's a boy!.. I think." Spawns a Tainted Yolk on combat start.

Heals this party member 1 health at the end of the turn.

Slap Replacements and Item Abilities

Some Items either replace your Slap or add a 4th ability to your party member. Here is the list of those abilities.

Item Icon Name Description Cost
Gentlemans gloves.png SNAP.png Snap 90% Chance to refresh. Free
Lady gloves upscaled.png Slap.png SLAP! Deal 1 - 5 damage to the opposing enemy. Yellow
The Masters Sickle.png SeamRipper.png Seam Ripper Inflicts 3 damage to the Opposing enemy. If this attack kills, it summons a doll to the player's side. 33% to summon an additional doll when used.  Purple or Yellow
Enigma.png Enigma attack.png Swelling Energies Inflicts 1 Scar to this party member. If this party member has 5 Scars, it removes all Scars from this party member and inflicts 5-15 indirect damage to All enemies. Refreshes this party member. Purple
RibofEve upscaled.png Originalsin.png Original Sin Heal this party member 2 health.

Refresh this party member's abilities.

25% chance to Curse this party member.

Deal 2 damage to this party member if cursed.

SpikedCollar upscaled.png Sprite-0002.png Crown Of Thorns Deal 1-4 damage to the opposing enemy.

50% chance to inflict 1 Ruptured.

Cursed Sword.png BladedMalediction.png Bladed Malediction Deals 8-16 damage to the Opposing enemy. 33% chance to refresh. RedPurple
UnfortunateProphecy upscaled.png Eviserate.png Worm skin Deal 3 damage to the opposing enemy.

Heal this party member an equivalent amount of health.

ImmolatedFairy upscaled.png Sprite-0004.png Icarus Inflict 3 Fire to all enemy positions.

Inflict 1-2 Fire to all party member positions.

TheBrand upscaled.png Sprite-0005.png Inhuman Utterings Inflict 2 Frail to all party members.

Inflict 1 Frail to all enemies.

Ichthys upscaled.png Sprite-0006.png Trout Slap Deal 3 damage to the opposing enemy.

Move the opposing enemy to the left or right.

"There is no honour in slapping another man with your trout."

Yellow or Blue
IdeaofEvil upscaled.png Sprite-0007.png Sabbath Reduce this party member's maximum health to this party member's current health value.

Heal allies an equivalent amount to the maximum health removed from this party member.

BrigadeofDis upscaled.png Sprite-0008.png Blood Gamble 50% chance to deal 20 damage to the opposing enemy.

If this attack fails, deal 10 damage to this party member.

StrangeFruit upscaled.png Sprite-0009.png Cannibalize Deal 1 indirect damage to all other party members.

Deal 2 indirect damage to all enemies.

Heal an equivalent amount of health to damage dealt.

SkinnedSkate upscaled.png Sprite-00010.png Penance 80% chance to inflict 3 Ruptured to each enemy.

20% chance to inflict 1 Ruptured to each party member.

ManMadeOvum upscaled.png Sprite-00011.png Alchemical Abomination Perform 3 random party member abilities back to back. PurpleBlueRedYellow
Tondal'sVision upscaled.png Sprite-00012.png Abject Rejection Remove all health from this party member except 1.

Deal an equivalent amount of damage to the opposing enemy.


2022 Item Contest

During the development of the Exquisite Corpse update, Brutal Orchestra had an item contest, where 3 winners would get selected and added into the game, the participants submitted the item mechanics and aesthetics, though with the prerequisite that either could get tweaked if they win. In the end Talia and Nico couldn't just pick 3 and ended up picking 18 the users that submitted them and the items are:

Item Name Submitter Notes
Professional Procrastinator.png Professional Procrastinator Aisling Beatty The appearance of the item is based on a sketch of Bosch's
Vowbreaker.png Vowbreaker Mr Man
Gentlemans gloves.png Gentleman's Gloves Diamondjub A reference to Hylics.
Blood breathing bomb.png Blood Breathing Bomb Zetderp
Lil Smiley.png Lil Smiley Sulfur cretin A reference to Mickey Mouse themed Gas Masks that were produced during ww2.
Sacrificial Saint.png Sacrificial Saint Eli Arps
Littering Leaflets.png Littering Leaflets Fiddox Littering Leaflets were originally envisioned to be torn up playing cards as a small jab at the deluge of card based mechanics in video games.[1]
Forgotten pump.png Forgotten Pump Owen Fitzgerald
Starving apples.png Starving Apples Krisu A reference to Talia's previous scrapped game Devour, which featured parasitic apples on one of the enemies present, Absolutely not a reference to anything else.
DumDum.png Dum-Dum Henrique T L Crevatin
Homeless Hotline.png Homeless Hotline Max Martin


SoapItem.png Soap? Michael Harris This item was based on the fact that Human Fat Was Used to Produce Soap in Gdansk during the War.
Pharmaceutical roller coaster.png Pharmaceutical Roller Coaster Rhydork
Baltic Brine.png Baltic Brine Crysseil Originally it was pretty much the same except it was named "Paper Cup" instead, since the submitter wanted to follow the theme of a lot of shop items being trash, it got changed to fit the war theme better.[2]
Expired medicine.png Expired Medicine Tairbaz
Used dog tags.png Used Dog Tags Tairbaz The quote "Hurt Me Plenty" is a reference to the video game Doom.

Originally this item was envisioned, as being a gimp mask, this was redesigned to fit in with the other shop items.

War Bond.png War Bond Tairbaz The appearance of the item is based on a UK 1918 war bonds poster advertisement.

Originally this item was envisioned as being a "miniature shop" , this was redesigned to fit in with the other shop items.


Click here for full list of trivia

Treasure item Trivia

  • The majority of treasure items are directly pulled from the paintings and other works of Hieronymus Bosch. The remaining treasure items are references to other games by ItsTheTalia or her friends.
  • Grumpy Grump, Momma Nooty, and Gump Ming Goa are all references to ItsTheTalia's previous game, Swallow the Sea.
  • Runty Rotter is a reference to ItsTheTalia's previous gamejam game, Pit of Babel.
  • Fist Full of Ash, Broken Hammer and Someone Else's Wedding Ring are references to ItsTheTalia's previous game, Perfect Vermin.
  • Head of Scribe is a reference to ItsTheTalia's previous gamejam game, Heatstroke.
  • Meatre Worm, Mini Mordrake and Norris! are references to ItsTheTalia's cancelled student project, Devour.
  • The Jersey is a reference to Infinity Jerseys and Infinity Franchise cult from LISA the Pointless.
  • The Idea of Evil is a reference to The Idea of Evil from the lost issue of the manga Berserk. The Brand is also a reference to Berserk.
  • Effigy of the Mettle Mother is a reference to the game PYLONS.
  • Fishing Rod, Guppy, Salmon, Left Shoe and Great White are a reference to Fishing Vacation.
  • Lycanthrope's Core is a reference to the game Sabbuth. Due to Sabbuth being delayed, this item was included in Brutal Orchestra before Sabbuth's release.
  • Rotund Amphibian is a reference to the game Ballfrog.
  • A Gift? is a reference to the game Your Amazing T-Gotchi.
  • Wheel of Fortune is a reference to the game Who's Lila?. Due to Who's Lila? being delayed, this item was included in Brutal Orchestra before Who's Lila?'s release.
  • All that is Mortal and The First Born are references to games Talia hasn't made yet.
  • Defaced Scripture depicts the alchemical sign for arsenic. This was inspired by Talia's drinking water commonly being contaminated with arsenic, causing her to personally hate the substance for the many inconveniences it has caused her.
  • Funny Mushrooms is a reference to psilocybin a psycho-active mushroom which Hieronymus Bosch is rumoured to have consumed tea of.
  • Gamified Cephalopod is a reference to Florian Himsl's company Game Squid. This item was also added due to Talia's frustration with the Game Squid trinket being included in the original Binding of Isaac but not its remake, Rebirth.

Shop Item Trivia

  • Almost all shop items are references to World War 1 and World War 2-era objects.
  • The Lucky Helmet item is based off a real World War 2 helmet that Talia owns. The real life helmet has a much smaller dent that is likely not from a bullet.
  • The code written on the side of Safe and Sound is the code to open the safe; alas, the party members are kinda dumb and instead smash it open. This item was created after Talia spent over an hour trying to open a safe in Resident Evil 2 Remake only to discover the code was written on the side of the safe.
  • An earlier iteration of Roids known as King Klot wore the Splatter Mask item in the cancelled ItsTheTalia game, Devour.
  • Dried Paint is a reference to the final ending of Brutal Orchestra and is one of the only non-World War themed shop items.
  • Ed's tags refer to Eddie Slovik who was given the death penalty for desertion during World War 2.
  • Medical Leeches is a reference to Talia's grandmother being a hospital supplier during the former's youth. One of her key roles was to deliver live leeches to the hospital, and Talia always begged her to sneak one home for her to see. Alas, Talia has not seen a leech in person to this day.
  • Ol' Stumpy was the name of a bone saw that a first aid cub scouts camp leader proudly and sarcastically displayed at a summer camp Talia attended when she was young.
  • The Rorschach test item's description is a reference to Fallout New Vegas.

Bosch Treasure item origins.

  • Blackened Toad, Colon Coins, Crooked Die, Gambler's Right Hand, Iron Helmet, Little Knife, Serpent's Head, Skates, Tainted Apple, Ascetic Egg, Blind Faith, Brigade of Dis, Divine Mud, Gilded Mirror, Holy Chalice, Indulgence, Man Made Ovum, Opulent Egg, Pontiff's Parade, The Apple and The Ideal Form of Trash are all references to the Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch.
  • Blue Bible, Funnel Hat, Immolated Fairy, Lil Homunculus, Peg Leg, Skinned Skate, Strange Fruit, Unfortunate Prophecy and Wicker Child are all references to the The Temptation of Saint Anthony by Hieronymus Bosch.
  • Curved Dagger is a reference to The Crowning with Thorns by a follower of Hieronymus Bosch.
  • Lump of Lamb and Seeds of the Consumed are references to Saint John the Baptist by Hieronymus Bosch.
  • Bloating Coffers is a reference to Death and the Miser by Hieronymus Bosch.
  • Caretaker's Cudgel is a reference to Ship of Fools by Hieronymus Bosch.
  • Convergent Rage is a reference to the Adoration of the Magi by Hieronymus Bosch.
  • Hereafter is a reference to Visions of Hereafter by Hieronymus Bosch.
  • Howling Log is a reference to Saint John at Prayer by Hieronymus Bosch.
  • Lust Pudding is a reference to Gluttony and Lust by Hieronymus Bosch.
  • Spiked Collar is a reference to The Wayfarer by Hieronymus Bosch.
  • Tondal's Vision is a reference to the painting Tondal's Vision by Hieronymus Bosch.
  • Trepanation is a reference to The Cure of the Folly by a follower of Hieronymus Bosch.
