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SmoothSkin Signature.png

The SmoothSkin is a pathetic, Lamia-like creature and is one of the three bosses of The Orpheum. It repeatedly summons Visages for support and slowly builds up Shield upscaled.pngshields to defend itself.


Name Description Notes Chance
Mangle Deals an Agonizing amount of damage to the Opposing party member. Moves this enemy to the Left or Right. Deals 10 damage. 33.33...%


Mould the Clay Applies 1 Shield upscaled.pngShield to All enemies' locations. Creates 2 Visage. Deals a Painful amount of damage to this enemy. Deals 3 damage to self. 66.66...%



Name Description
Achievement Unlocked 33.png The Orphan Slay the SmoothSkin
Achievement Unlocked 90.png Emotional and Physical Annihilation Watch SmoothSkin's trauma be his undoing.


  • SmoothSkin is a part of a Lamia-like species. He used to have a family, but his father was a very aggressive man and often took it out on his children. This all culminated in a day where the father accidentally killed SmoothSkin's sibling. This led to the mother wanting take SmoothSkin away, however the father opposed this, It eventually became a confrontation in which SmoothSkin got torn in half. The mother and father fled, thinking that they killed him, however he survived and grew up severely traumatized and depressed. [1]
  • Lore from the steam card: "Poor Smoothskin. The nameless race of lamia did not inhabit the Orpheum for long, driven out quickly by the "human" occupants of the Tunnel City. Smoothskin now is an inhabitant of the furthest reaches of the underground. His statues scare away any wandering soured sons that could prey upon him. Perhaps he has come to believe this safety is his family protecting him, even now."

Death Quotes

Kill anything purple. Trust me, purple is a bad vibe.
Watch out for the yellow statues. Getting cursed by one is the beginning of the end.
Lots of the statues will crumble if left alone. Ignore as many as you can unless they're a real problem.



  • Managing the SmoothSkin's health color is important as to not be flooded with pigment you can't use
  • My Own Visage will deal 20 damage and heal 50 health. If SmoothSkin is below 20 heal (plus shields), they will die from this attack.
  • Despite what it seems like at first, usually the biggest threat is actually SmoothSkin himself if he decides to use his "Mangle" ability, for this reason a lot of the times it might be beneficial to just try to rush him down rather than focusing on the visages.


  • SmoothSkin's appearance is based on the Homunculus loxodontus statue.[2]
  • The face "holes" on SmoothSkin superficially resemble eyes, and are sometimes drawn that way as seen in the splash art, but according to Talia she always imagine them being just "orifices", for example whenever SmoothSkin would "eat" something he would just stick something into one of them, presumably the same physiology applies to the rest of his species.[3]
  • In game it is seen on the statues that the Mother had 1 "eye", while the Father had 3 "eyes", the sibling's eye count is seemingly unknown due to their visage having no face, however the ceiling seen in SmoothSkin's arena features the faces of all the Family Members, and one face that has 2 "eyes" that are arranged vertically, rather than horizontally like SmoothSkin, suggesting that it is how the sibling's face looked like.

