Hickory (Fire)

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Hickory Signature.png

The Hickories are one of the four possible bosses in The far Shore. As a pair of pyromaniacs, they are meant to test the player's positioning around the fire, and to teach of the dangerous combination of
Oil Slicked upscaled.pngOil Slicked and On Fire upscaled.pngFire.

Hickory (Fire) is the least mentally sane of the pair, only wearing his mask halfway down the face. This contrasts with Hickory (Fire)'s more reliable positioning, due to the fact that he lacks the Slippery passive that Hickory (Fuel) has.


Name Description Notes Chance
Immolate! Inflicts 3 On Fire upscaled.pngFire to the Opposing party member's location. Deals a Painful amount of damage to the Opposing party member. Deals 3 damage. 45.5%


Bash Deals a Painful amount of damage to the Opposing party member. Move the Opposing party member to the Left or Right. Deals 5 damage. 31.8%


Burning Passion <3 Heals Hickory to match the health of Hickory. "Fall in love all over again." If Hickory (Fuel)'s health is lower, this move does nothing.

Can only be used if Hickory's health is lower at the time the ability is selected.




Name Description
Achievement Unlocked 29.png The Fire and the Flames Murder Hickory


  • Hickories are both lovers, who are infatuated with each other so much that they named each other the same thing[1]. They participated in the war, with Fire Hickory being the cause of Griffin's demise. Fire Hickory has long lost his sanity, with Fuel Hickory still remaining sane and by his side, even in death.[2].
  • Lore from the steam card "The love Hickory feels for one another is one few could even fathom. The kind of love you feel with every cell of your being, throwing away individual, identities to be a single soul. Like the wildest of hellfires, it could never last, but will burn brighter than the Sun itself. When their love collapses into that supernova of passion before fading into nothing at all, you will know that in this Hell, Hickory glimpsed Heaven."

Death Quotes

Careful, the Hickorys can heal almost all their health back if you don't damage them evenly.
If one of your party members gets splashed with Oil, try to keep them away from Fire. Trust me.
You can put out Fire faster if mulitple party members perform abilities in the position that's on Fire.



  • Once damaged they will try to use Burning Passion <3. Because of this, it's important to guage who needs to be attacked each turn and if you're able to kill one of them this turn as to not have your actions undone.
  • Usually most of the time it's best to try to Kill Fire Hickory first as he is the one that actually deals the most damage in the fight, With only oil hickory on the field his most dangerous move is Bash which is not nearly that much of a threat.


  • The burning figure seen in the background of the arena where you fight the Hickories is a reference to an enemy from Lisa the Painful, The Flaming man, as confirmed by Talia.[3]
  • The Hickories having the same name, and being lovers are reference to the movie "Call Me by Your Name".[4]

