The Orpheum (Minimal Spoilers)

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The Orpheum is the second area of the game, coming directly after The Far Shore.


Name Mode Notes
Music Man (Icon Upscaled).png
Music Man Normal
Singing Stone (Icon Upscaled).png
Singing Stone Normal
Woodwind (Icon Upscaled).png
Woodwind Normal Doesn't appear naturally, Music Men can transform into them with Feel the Rhythm.
Chordophone (Icon Upscaled).png
Chordophone Normal Doesn't appear naturally, Music Men can transform into them with Feel the Rhythm.
Psaltery (Icon Upscaled).png
Psaltery Normal Doesn't appear naturally, Music Men can transform into them with Feel the Rhythm.
Revola (Icon Upscaled).png
Revola Normal
Scrungie (Icon Upscaled).png
Scrungie Normal Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Waning Jumbleguts (Icon Upscaled).png
Waning Jumbleguts Normal
Clotted Jumbleguts (Icon Upscaled).png
Clotted Jumbleguts Normal
Hollowing Jumbleguts (Icon Upscaled).png
Hollowing Jumbleguts Normal
Flummoxing Jumbleguts (Icon Upscaled).png
Flummoxing Jumbleguts Normal
Spitfire Spoggle (Icon Upscaled).png
Spitfire Spoggle Normal
Ruminating Spoggle (Icon Upscaled).png
Ruminating Spoggle Normal
Writhing Spoggle (Icon Upscaled).png
Writhing Spoggle Normal
Resonant Spoggle (Icon Upscaled).png
Resonant Spoggle Normal
Conductor Hard Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
One Man Band (Icon Upscaled).png
One Man Band Hard Doesn't appear naturally, Conductors can transform into them with Feel the Rhythm. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Maniskin (Icon Upscaled).png
Maniskin Hard
Inner Child (Icon Upscaled).png
Inner Child Hard Doesn't appear naturally, spawned by Maniskins.
Silver Suckle Hard Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Gilded Gulper Hard Doesn't appear naturally, spawned by Silver Suckles. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Wriggling Sacrifice (Icon Upscaled).png
Wriggling Sacrifice Hard


Name Title Mode
Achievement Unlocked 31.webp The Ouroboros The Leviathan Normal
Achievement Unlocked 33.webp The SmoothSkin The Orphan Normal
Achievement Unlocked 32.webp The Charcarrion The Messiah Hard

Party Members

Name Title Mode Unlock Requirement(s)
Longliver Square Portrait.png LongLiver The Parasite Normal Each time a party member dies your chance of unlocking LongLiver upon speaking to him increases by 3%. This increase is persist between runs.
Clive Square Portrait.png Clive The Stoic Normal Speak to Clive in 3 separate runs.
Kleiver Square Portrait.png Kleiver The Zealot Normal Kill 35 Music Men before they can transform.
Cranes Square Portrait.png Cranes The Corpse Normal Get 20 party members killed and then speak to Cranes. This is cumulative between runs.
Agon Square Portrait.png Agon The Terminal Hard Speak to Agon, having gotten no party members killed that run.
Rags Square Portrait.png Rags The Psychic Hard Kinda Slay an Ungod and then speak to Rags.
Smokestacks Square Portrait.png Smoke Stacks The Black Lung Hard Every time you discard an item your chance to unlock Smokestack by speaking to him increases by 1%.


  • The second area the player encounters it is mostly, influenced by an enormous being called the Ungod it is what causes the rain and clouds to form, and what causes the tumors to grow on Music Men, this wasn't always the case however. Before the Ungod showed up in the Orpheum it seems that "Humans" attempted to build some kind of society underground and built some kind of settlement called "Tunnel City". Tunnel city collapsed however, when the Ungod showed up, it is unknown how recent the Ungod actually appeared, but Mobius was still around when it hasn't showed up yet.
