Added in the Egg of Incubus Update

Silver Suckle

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A group of enemies found in The Orpheum. That focus on reproducing, and stealing from the player.


Name Description Notes Chance
Suckler Heals the Opposing party member almost no health. If this healing succeeds, steals 1 coin. Asexually reproduces. Can summon Silver Sucklers or Gilded Gulpers. Heals 1 HP. 55.55..%


Fertile Nibble Deals almost no damage to the Opposing party member. "Tickles a little." Reproduces asexually. Can summon Silver Sucklers or Gilded Gulpers. Deals 1 damage. 27.77...%


Gunk Deals almost no damage to the Opposing party member. If this attack is successful, inflicts 3
Constricted upscaled.pngConstricted to the Opposing position.
Deals 1 damage. 16.66..%




  • The Platinum Pumper is not real (the statement below is false).
  • The Platinum Pumper is real (the statement above is false).
  • They are supposed to be large disembodied tumors, they are based off CTVT.
  • The reason why Gilded Gulpers sound effects sound like farts is due to pockets of gas build up in them from digestive processes that are ruptured open when you strike them so it only sounds like a fart. [1]
  • The real reason why they sound like that is fart funny[1]
  • Silver Suckles absorb nutrients through their skin. This process is aided by the rain but the rain also tends to wash away  whatever they are eating.[2]
  • The “Gulping” behaviour of the guilder gulper that separates it from the suckles is that it will pull parts of the rot and decay it is eating inside its body into a sort of temporary stomach-esqe pocket that will collapse back down once digestion is complete. When the player loses an item to one, it’s because the gulper is trying to eat it.[2]

