Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update

Bronzo the Bastard

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The first phase of Bronzo the Shyster. Upon starting the fight, he applies Bronzo's Blessing to your entire team, turning all damage your party receives into Coin loss. Your Coin number is also displayed in the top left corner and acts as your team's collective health. Upon hitting 0 Coins, the fight will end and you will be rewarded with a number of treasure items based on how many phases you have beaten. Also, upon beating a phase your team will be exhausted, so there is no free turn like in the Charcarrion, Osman Sinnoks, and Heaven fights.


Name Description Notes Chance
Bankrupt Economic Disaster. Steals all of your Coins. 100%


Name Description
Achievement Unlocked 2-5.jpg What the !@#$ Nowak? Why did you do that!

