Effects (Minimal Spoilers)

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Status Effects

Name Description
Focused Upscaled.png Focused While Focused, this party member will deal 2 additional damage or deal 50% more damage against enemies with higher health. Focused is lost upon receiving any damage.

If a party member gets focused:

Woah, look at you.
Looks like you have become focused.
While focused you deal bonus damage.
Taking any damage will cause you to lose focus.
Enjoy this while it lasts.

If an enemy gets focused:

Woah, look at them.
Looks like they have become focused.
While focused they deal bonus damage
Taking any damage will cause them to lose focus.
Ruptured upscaled.png Ruptured While Ruptured, 2 indirect damage is received upon moving. 1 point of Ruptured is lost at the end of each turn.

If a party member gets ruptured:

Is that blood?
I didn't know you guys could bleed.
Looks like you have been ruptured open.
While ruptured you will take damage every time you move.
Give it a few turns and it should wear off.
Looks painful.

If an enemy gets ruptured:

You ruptured them open!
Quick, push them around as much as you can.
Moving while being ruptured inflicts bonus damage.
Frail upscaled.png Frail While Frail, all direct damage received is doubled.

1 Frail is lost at the end of each turn.

Receiving direct damage reduces Frail by 1.

If a party member gets frailed:

You're not looking very good.
You look all frail and weak.
While frail all damage dealt to you will be doubled.
Don't worry, give it a few turns and it should wear off.

If an enemy gets frailed:

That enemy is frail.
That means the next time you strike them they will receive double damage.
Act quickly before frail wears off.
Oil Slicked upscaled.png Oil Slicked Highly flammable.

Receiving direct damage causes random movement to the left or right.

1 Oil-Slicked is lost at the end of each turn.

If a party member gets oiled:

You are all coated in oil.
When smacked you will slide around.
But stay away from fire.
Seriously please stay away from fire.

If an enemy gets oiled:

Those enemies are coated in oil.
Attacking them will slide them around.
They are also extremely flammable while oil-slicked.
So if you can light them on fire, do it.
Spotlight upscaled.png Spotlight Deal double damage, receive double damage.

Only one party member or enemy can have spotlight at a time.

Dying with spotlight will transfer the spotlight to whatever killed them.

If a party member gets spotlight:

Woah, looks like all eyes are on you.
This is your moment, your time to strike.
Enjoy dealing double damage.
But don't screw this up.
You will also receive double damage.
Also if you die, whatever kills you will steal your spotlight.
Fortunately only one thing can be in the spotlight at a time.
Let's hope it is one of you guys.

If an enemy gets spotlight:

I have good news and bad news.
That enemy has the spotlight.
Until they are killed they are going to be dealing double damage.
But they will also be receiving double damage.
If you kill them you can steal the spotlight from them.
Only one thing can be in the spotlight at a time.
Cursed upscaled.png Cursed While Cursed, all healing is prevented.

If a party member gets cursed:

Uh Oh.
That's curse.
Curse prevents healing and is nigh impossible to remove.
Don't die.

If an enemy gets cursed:

That enemy has been cursed.
Curse is the slow death.
They can no longer be healed for the rest of combat.
Now is the time to strike.
Linked upscaled.png Linked Any direct damage dealt to a Linked enemy or party member is dealt to everything that is Linked.

This relationship also applies to direct healing.

1 Linked is lost at the end of each turn.

If a party member gets linked:

Oh god.
You've been linked.
Damage dealt to anything linked is shared to everything that is linked.
Healing is also shared the same way.
Do not attack linked enemies while one of your guys is linked.
It will wear off if you survive long enough.
It was nice knowing you.

If an enemy gets linked:

Oh god.
They are linking themselves
Linked is black magic nonsense.
When one thing that is linked is damaged everything that is linked will be damaged.
Healing is also shared among the linked.
If one of you is linked DO NOT attack the linked enemies.
Scars upscaled.png Scars All damage received will be increased by 1 for each Scar, this applies to both direct and indirect damage.

If a party member gets scars:

Ouch! That looks like it left a mark.
Scars like that add up.
Everytime you take damage from any source you will take an additional point of damage for each Scar you currently have.
No real good way to get rid of Scars, but they should clear up at the end of combat.
Be careful.

If an enemy gets scars:

Look at that, they're wounded!
Giving enemies Scars causes them to take an extra point of damage per Scar every time they receive damage.
This is going to be fun!
But make sure your guys don't get too many Scars, they aren't lost until the end of combat.
Added in the Egg of Incubus Update

Field Effects

Name Description
Constricted upscaled.png Constricted Prevents all movement. Other party members may swap places with constricted party members. Constricted is reduced by 1 each turn.

If your position gets constricted:

Once you are caught in that chain you are stuck.
Entrapped if you will.
Constricted to be precise.
You cannot escape on your own, but someone else can swap in to take your place.
This should wear off, unless something is keeping you constricted.

If an enemy position gets constricted:

You have constricted that enemy.
They can't move until it wears off.
Let's hope this proves advantageous.
An animal caught in a trap can be extremely dangerous.
On Fire upscaled.png On Fire Receive 3-6 indirect damage on turn end if on fire.

1 Fire is lost at the end of each turn.

Performing an action in the same location as a Fire will decrease the present Fire by 1.

If your position gets fire:

Careful around fire!
If you are on fire move away, the fire won't move with you.
If you keep performing abilities in the fire you will put it out faster.
In simple terms.
Fire ouchie, fire hot.

If an enemy position gets fire:

Woah you lit them on fire.
As long as they stay in the fire they will burn to a crisp.
Careful they might try to escape the fire.
Shield upscaled.png Shield Each point of Shield negates a point of direct damage received.

An equivalent amount of shield is lost for damage negated.

Half of the total shield is lost at the start of each turn.

If your position gets shield:

That's smart.
Adding some shield could protect you from damage.
Unfortunately your shield will not move with you.
Also at the end of each turn the remaining amount of shield will be cut in half.
I don't make the rules.

If an enemy position gets constricted:

Ah hell.
They are shielding themselves.
Shield will block your damage.
Fortunately their shield doesn't move with them so you can push them out of it.
You can also just wait for it to crumble on its own.

Passive Effects

Name Description
Focus upscaled.png Focus Upon killing an enemy with this party member apply Focused to this party member.
Skittish upscaled.png Skittish Upon performing an ability this party member/enemy will move to the left or right.
Slippery upscaled.png Slippery Upon receiving direct damage this party member/enemy will move to the left or right.
Decay upscaled.png Decay Upon death this enemy has a percentage change of decaying into another enemy.
Parental upscaled.png Parental This enemy is a parent and will perform additional actions in retribution if an Infantile enemy is directly damaged.
Infantile upscaled.png Infantile This enemy is an infant and will trigger Parental enemies to perform additional actions in retribution upon receiving direct damage.
Unstable upscaled.png Unstable Upon receiving direct damage this party member/enemy will randomize all stored Pigment.
Constricting upscaled.png Constricting At the beginning of each turn this party member/enemy will inflict Constricted to the opposing position.
Formless upscaled.png Formless Upon receiving direct damage this enemy will randomize 1 of its upcoming abilities.
Pure upscaled.png Pure This party member's/enemy's health colour cannot be changed under any circumstance.
Layer-1 upscaled.png Absorb Upon death this party member/enemy will consume all Pigment of it's health colour.
Forgetful upscaled.png Forgetful This enemy cannot repeat any of its abilities until it has performed all of them.
Forgetful selects abilities randomly, but follows a set pattern to avoid repetition. Click 'expand' to view a diagram.

Withering upscaled.png Withering If all remaining party members/enemies also have withering, this party member/enemy will immediately die upon any other party members/enemies dying.
Overexert upscaled.png Overexert Dealing damage to this enemy greater than a certain threshold will cancel one of its upcoming abilities.
Multi-attack upscaled.png Multi Attack This enemy will perform multiple attacks each turn.
Obscured upscaled.png Obscured This enemy's abilities are hidden in the timeline.
Confusion upscaled.png Confusion This party member/enemy is hiding the entire timeline.
Fleeting upscaled.png Fleeting This party member/enemy will flee after a set amount of turns.
Dying upscaled.png Dying This party member/enemy cannot be healed under any circumstance.
Inferno upscaled.png Inferno This party member/enemy will inflict 1 Fire to their current position at the beginning of each turn.
Enfeebled upscaled.png Enfeebled This party member/enemy receives double direct damage.
Two-faced upscaled.png Two-Faced Upon receiving direct damage this party member/enemy will change its health colour from red to blue or vice versa.
PigmentEssenceIcon.png Pigment Essence Unlocks the ability to change the colour of lucky pigment generated through a button below the lucky pigment icon. (Each color has a different version of the passive, Splig allows you to cycle between them all) Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Catalyst upscaled.png Catalyst Direct damage dealt to this party member/enemy will also be dealt to all Linked party members/enemies.
Bonus-attack upscaled.png Bonus Attack This enemy will perform an additional ability each turn, this ability is set and not randomly selected.
Anchored upscaled.png Anchored This enemy cannot be moved under any circumstance.
Delicate upscaled.png Delicate If the wrong Pigment is used while performing an ability all self healing is negated.
ParasitismIcon.png Parasitism Increases the damage received by 5% per point of Parasite. Parasite will decrease by the original unmutliplied damage amount. Parasite will remove 0-3 health from this enemies at the end of every turn and convert it into more Parasite. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
MutualismIcon.png Mutualism Mutualism will block incoming direct damage by each parasite point on this party member. Parasite will heal 0-2 health to this party member at the end of every turn in exchange of its own Parasite health. Added in the Exquisite Corpse Update
Leaky upscaled.png Leaky Upon receiving damage this party member/enemy produces an additional Pigment.
Fatalism upscaled.png Fatalism This being is the Messiah and as such it's fate is protected by forces above and below.
Martyrdom upscaled.png Martyrdom This being dies for the sins of a forgotten people.
Panic-attack upscaled.png Panic Attack If Arnold receives any kind of damage, he will lose all gained damage and healing bonuses. Once a loser, always a loser.
Transfusion upscaled.png Transfusion Upon death, transfer health colour to all non-Pure enemies.
Abomination Upscaled.png Abomination This enemy will perform an additional attack for every turn it remains alive, this effect is not capped. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Bone Spurs Upscaled.png Bone Spurs Upon receiving direct damage this party member or enemy will deal indirect damage to the Opposing enemy equivalent to their current amount of Bone Spurs. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update
Infestation Upscaled.png Infestation This enemy or party member increases the amount of damage dealt by other enemies or party members with infestation by 1 for each point of infestation this enemy or party member currently has. Added in the Egg of Incubus Update